Arn Guth Stormbright is a Homid Ahroun Get of Fenris. He was born in the 1940s. In 1970, the metis twins Antigone and Aeschylus were born from a secret affair between Bladetooth and himself. [1]
Arn Guth Stormbright is a heroic wolf who claims to be the reincarnation of the great Stormbright of Norway, who crushed an invading Wyrm sea serpent in the days of Eric the Red.
He leads his wild, berserker wolves in sweeping, remorseless guerrilla raids on Pentex's northern operations. He has lost a lot of his tribe in these raids, but refuses to relent. Some in his tribe say he has become suicidal over the defection of his former lieutenant, Bladetooth, to the Sept of the Hand of Gaia.
Unknown to the rest of his tribe, Bladetooth was his lover, and she fled to secretly give birth to metis twins. The male metis, Aeschylus, now leads the wild skinhead pack "The Bastards of Fenris" in New York City.
Stormbright is afraid to take action against the group because he saw their teenage leader once and was so struck by the resemblance that he is now sure it is his son. He rejected his councilors' suggestions that they secretly manipulate the Bastards for their own ends, and also refused to grant his pack's demands that he challenge and destroy the impudent youths. Crippled by the ugly secrets of his past, Stormbright is becoming an ineffective leader. But he clings to power with a frenzy born of desperation, and refuses to conceded a bit for fear that the truth will come out if he loses control of the tribe.
To keep his lieutenants from toppling him, he keeps them very busy chasing the Wyrm's tail, attacking both Wyrm areas and untainted construction sites.
His vacillating, fearful rule has made the Get very weak. A concerted attack from the Shadow Lords would find the Get a very disorganized foe. To retain a measure of power, Stormbright is seriously contemplating an alliance with the Red Talons, followed by an all-out stealth assault on human cities, killing the homid leaders who are tainted with the Wyrm.
Pure gray wolf, with no spotting or marks except a great scar over his face through his dead left eye. In homid form he is a beefy, broad-nosed Norwegian-American with gray hair and beard, and a huge jaw. He is in his late 40's.
Breed: Homid
Auspice: Ahroun
Tribe: Get of Fenris
Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5, Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 1, Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Abilities: Alertness 4, Athletics 5, Brawl 5, Dodge 5, Intimidation 5, Primal-Urge 4, Leadership 4, Melee 4, Survival 3, Law 2, Rituals 3,
Backgrounds: Pure Breed 4,
Gifts: Razor Claws, Smell of Man, Resist Pain, Snarl of the Predator, True Fear, Staredown, Might of Thor, Clenched Jaw, Scream of Gaia, Hero's Stand, Horde of Valhalla,
Rank: 5
Rites: Rite of Wounding, Rite of Ostracism, Rite of the Hunt,
Fetishes: Runes of Doom (Level 5, Gnosis 6. When his sack is flung into a stormy sky, the wood-carved Runes will spill out and float in the air. All on the battlefield who view the Runes will see dark omens of their futures. Roll the Runes' Gnosis versus each viewer's Wits + Enigmas. If a viewer loses, he becomes demoralized, obsessed with this future event (the event is up to the Storyteller). The viewer's combat Dice Pools are reduced by one and the effect is semi-permanent; the victim must try to alter his fate or wait until it passes before his Dice Pools return. The Runes can only be activated once per cycle of the moon).
Rage 10, Gnosis 5, Willpower 8
- ↑ WTA: Rage Across the World Vol. 3, p. 46
- WTA: Rage Across New York, p. 45