White Wolf Wiki

Arcadia is a collectible card game based on Changeling: The Dreaming that was published by White Wolf in 1996. Only two sets were produced for the game: the base set The Wyld Hunt and the expansion set King Ironheart's Madness. Because of the game's obscurity and short lifespan, the game as a whole (rather than just the base set) is often referred to as Arcadia: The Wyld Hunt.

Card sets[]

The following is a list of card sets and expansions for Arcadia, sorted by publisher and by year.

White Wolf[]

Players Guides[]

Other Products[]

Chessex Manufacturing[]

  • Arcadia: the Wyld Hunt Dragonskin Deck Portfolio

White Wolf[]

  • Arcadia: the Wyld Hunt Promo Booklet

External Links[]

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