White Wolf Wiki
White Wolf Wiki

Real-life Events[]

  • 2004
    • The WTOJ news ticker is updated for the final time with the following message: "APRIL 30, 2004 THE WORLD OF DARKNESS COMES TO A FINAL CLOSE - White Wolf will no longer sell World of Darkness books online and will discontinue shipments of all World of Darkness releases to retail stores. Order online now or visit your local retailer before time runs out..."

World of Darkness Events[]

  • The festival of Beltaine. Celebrated by the Verbena.[1] Many Verbena gather in the Summer Grove to celebrate.[2]
  • The Great Horizon Festival. Celebrated by mages of the Traditions. Lasts "until it's done," usually no more than 14 days.[3]
  • 1456
    • The "doors" to Horizon open to outside magi. Several pacts are struck with visiting faeries.[4][5]

Chronicles of Darkness Events[]

Trinity Universe Events[]

  • 1999
    • World unemployment rates have quadrupled in only the two months since the Moscow Crash. Philanthropic organizations worldwide follow the Æon Society's lead in offering relief assistance. Project Utopia novas help with distribution of perishable supplies, creating the most efficient relief effort in history. Governments enlist nova aid in quelling food riots. Some novas use their abilities to keep basic utilities, such as water and electricity, flowing in areas where they would otherwise be inaccessible.[17]
  • 2120
    • Emma Bailes Deputy Director of Neptune Division's European Terrestrial Office, sends a report to its field operatives regarding the recent rumours of corruption within the psi orders. Operatives are ordered to investigate the Montressor Clinic itself.[18]
    • Reinhardt Tuten is feeling more pressure from Minerva. Diaz is to be transferred, which she views as a reward. Tuten realizes it's an attempt to deny him allies.[19]


April 29 April May 1