White Wolf Wiki

Real-life Events[]

  • 1996
    • KTE: Prince of the City (episode) airs.
  • 2008
    • Released:
      • Scion: Scion Companion: Tuatha Buy it from DriveThruRPG!

World of Darkness Events[]

  • 1941
    • The El Rancho Vegas hotel opens in Las Vegas. It's the first casino in what comes to be called the Strip.[2]

Chronicles of Darkness Events[]

  • 2001
    • Vault II is attacked and overwhelmed by a force of five Scelesti. Two of them were later identified as apparently revived members of the original Free Council cabal. A new Athaneum called Vault III is constructed at a secret location to house the artifact.[3]

Trinity Universe Events[]

  • 2120
    • Reinhardt Tuten notes that Vaughn spilled KOH in one of the nutrient vats, and tried to cover it up. Tuten raised hell, and six hearts had to be destroyed. He pushes for a full audit, but Catalanotto doesn't want to go through with it.[4]


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