White Wolf Wiki

Anthius, also known as "Dread", is a Gangrel residing somewhere in the Chicago area. He's had bad experiences with Lasombra.


Sometimes you have to not fight to survive.

Mortal Days[]

Anthius emigrated to America from Greece following the American Civil War and set up a farm on the outskirts of Seattle. With so many having been killed in the conflict, there was an opportunity for a young man to make his fortune. He reared cattle and sheep on his land and became a respected member of his community despite keeping largely to himself. While the tide of times passed him by, he quietly prospered.

After a few years on the farm, he noticed his animals were getting sickly. He couldn’t explain it until he spotted a lone wolf on the outskirts of his farm one night. He grabbed his rifle and rushed out to defend his flock, only for the wolf to calmly turn and move back into the woods from whence it came. Every night for several months, the wolf came again, and every night Anthius came out to confront it, it departed.

Then came the first night when the wolf didn’t appear. Anthius hoped the mad creature had been killed in the woods, or maybe died of old age. The wolf never returned, however, that very night, an older man came to visit. He introduced himself as a weary traveler seeking a rest from the road. Against his better judgement, Anthius opened his door and let the strange man inside.

The strange traveler told him tales of the wilderness, about wandering the forests through the eyes of an animal. Anthius had heard tales of the so-called medicine men of the old west and wondered if this was some snake oil salesman here to sell him native trinkets or drugs. Instead he fell upon him and Embraced him.

Kindred Nights[]

Anthius was not interested in his sire’s offer of companionship. He stayed with him as far as D.C. before striking out on his own again. With only the very basics of his Kindred existence explained to him. Anthius hoped to live out eternity in seclusion, but the news coming from his homeland during World War II called him back to defend Greece from the Nazi invasion.

Following the war, he was drawn into the ensuing Greek Civil War, fighting on the side of the Democratic Army of Greece under the banner of the Greek People’s Liberation Army. Following their defeat, Anthius returned, despondent, to America. He vowed never to return to Greece. While travelling across the country, intending to return to Washington, he encountered Tyrus and became his travelling companion. Once they reached Washington, the two decided to keep moving together and have been friends ever since.

The nomadic lifestyle suited the man who had just abandoned the idea of a homeland and so he was wary when he and Tyrus became bogged down in the affairs of Chicago but, nevertheless, fought to aid his friend in his struggles.

The wounds he suffered at the claws and teeth of Lupines during their attack put him in torpor and, since recovering, Anthius has become far more circumspect. This change in his attitude has put some strain on his relationship with the other members of the Wolf Pack. However, their vast history and shared experience runs deep, and it would take a great wedge indeed to separate him from his coterie.


Chicago by Night 1st & 2nd[]

A tall, slim Greek man of about 28, with long straggling hair and an untrimmed beard. Dresses in leathers but wears no metal at all — no studs, no bullet belt, no metal whatsoever. Eschews a helmet for a pair of World War I aviator goggles.


Anthius lives completely off the grid. Only Thera is aware of his hiding places and she is happy to pay him cash in hand for the odd jobs he does. This situation suits Anthius just fine. He did set up a false identity as a mechanic in the 1970s under the name of George Papagiannopoulos, but hasn’t maintained it since then.

Despite his nickname of “Dread”, Anthius is decidedly more measured and thoughtful than the other members of the Wolf Pack. When roused, however, he is nearly as formidable as Tyrus himself and some older Kindred warn licks not to underestimate him. Anthius is a handsome, tall man who often wears a padded jacket and jeans. He styles his hair with healthy doses of pomade and can often be seen sliding a slick comb through his backcombed mane. He carries a shotgun which he keeps in a side compartment built into his motorcycle.

Regardless of the Wolf Pack’s somewhat diminished status, Anthius is still an Archon and is treated with deference by most at court. While whispers take place behind his back, most wise Kindred are careful not to insult him to his face.

Character Sheet[]

Roleplaying Hints: You never talk to anyone outside the gang. When someone else addresses you directly you are more likely to just stare at them than you are to respond.

Haven: Spends most nights on the road but also keeps a Haven in a public library in Rock Island.

Secrets: B

Influence: Anthius has contacts with a huge number of Midwestern motorcycle gangs, and even has the leader of the Tri-state Hell's Angels under his Domination. In a time of need he could call upon hundreds of bikers, who would start to arrive in hours and could gather completely in a ma tter of days. This is an influence which even Tyrus doesn't have, and though Anthius has never used it, Illinois will n ever be the same if he does. While he has his disagree ments with Tyrus, mainly over whether to help the Anarchs or the Elders, there is no one the Wolf Pack members respect more than him.

Chicago by Night applicable stats†

Chicago by Night Second Edition applicable stats††


