Countess Anne is an Unseelie Sidhe Wilder of House Eiluned in the Kingdom of Apples.
A dark haired vixen with laughter like bells in a fae grove, Countess Anne is unabashedly Unseelie and unrepentantly undisciplined. Nevertheless, she has the respect of some of Concordia's greatest monarchs. She is a close advisor to Queen Mab and one of the most active forces behind the Cat's Cradle. She is a sidhe wilder, bom since the Resurgence. She is known to have little patience for the "old fogies," especially Lady Sierra, whom she considers to be too cautious and deliberate. Countess Anne is a constantly whirling center of constructive (and destructive) energy. She is a sophomore at Mount Holyoke College in western Massachusetts (her sorority will never recover), while at the same time performing her responsibilities in the Cat's Cradle. Although Unseelie, she considers much of the Shadow Court to be as stodgy and hidebound as the Seelie Court. She is also known to have a number of contacts among the Children of Lilith known as Malkavians.
Anne hosts gatherings once a season at "her" estate in the Berkshires (actually, it is the summer house of her mortal parents, though they frequently travel to Europe for extended holidays). Her Samhain parties are legendary in the region, and Queen Mab has exchanged harsh words with her after things got "out of hand."
She has lately taken up archery as a hobby and she received a finely crafted bow from Duke Guile last Yule as a present. That the two had a rather torrid affair is considered old news, though no one seems to know what caused the two to split up so suddenly.
- CTD. Nobles: The Shining Host, p. 101.
- CTD. Noblesse Oblige: The Book of Houses, p. 50.