White Wolf Wiki

Annabelle Li, better known as Annabelle or Baby B, is a Brujah Fledgling who has risen to prominence within the Anarch Movement in recent nights.


Originally, Annabelle moved to Los Angeles to study Political Science at the prestigious Griffith College in Hollywood. Once there, she joined an activist group where she met fellow students Ellenore and Mark. The three of them would eventually form a long-term polyamorous relationship, and soon became frustrated with the lack of progress against the pervasive corruption in local business and politics. This frustration eventually resulted in a scheme to firebomb a senatorial campaign office - in which the trio managed to get away from the scene of their arson scot-free. Or so they thought.

In reality, the office building they burned down belonged to a Nosferatu named Nick. Enraged by this violation of his domain, Nick tracked down Annabelle and murdered her just as she was closing up after her shift at the on-campus coffee shop. Fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately), Nick wasn't the only vampire whom Annabelle had attracted the notice of. The Brujah Carver had been sizing her up as a candidate for the Embrace for some time now - but Nick's interference forced his hand. He drove Nick off and saved the dying Annabelle by feeding her his vitae, even leaving her a vessel in a locked room for her to slake her hunger on when she woke up.

Needless to say, it was an extremely traumatizing series of events for Annabelle - she was forced to effectively squat in Griffith College and feed off of other students to survive. Her unintentional poaching eventually attracted the attention of a coterie working for Baron Isaac Abrams. This coterie would take her under their wing, but Annabelle was still forced to the forefront the Anarch Movement's struggle at a very tenuous time for the Kindred of LA. With Prince Vannevar Thomas looking to re-establish his Court within the City of Angels, tensions among vampires hadn't been this high since the Second Anarch Revolt over seventy years prior.

Annabelle barely had any time to adjust to the realities of her new un-life before being tapped to become the new, youthful "face" of the Movement in its war against the encroaching Camarilla. To her credit, Annabelle was instrumental in several pre-emptive strikes against the Ivory Tower as her new sect's "cold war" rapidly turned hot over the next two years. However, a combination of her inexperience and relentless idealism culminated in her more often than not butting heads with her fellow Unbound, even with members of her own coterie. Eventually, the existential pressure became so much that Annabelle decided to quit LA entirely, journeying alongside her sire across the United States, in the hopes of better understanding both her own goals and the goals the Movement entire.

She returned to LA in 2021, once again in a pivotal moment. The Second Inquisition had come to Los Angeles, spearheaded by the fanatical Society of Leopold. Annabelle was among those Kindred captured by the Inquisition, but managed to break free and was even responsible for killing Adrian Clairmont, the leader of the Society's forces - though the act of doing so tore at her soul.

In the aftermath, Annabelle bade goodbye to her former coterie-mates and traveled to New York, determined to spark and aid the Anarch revolution on a grander scale than just one city. She was last seen in 2022 in the South Bronx, having apparently journeyed there to meet with Baron Torque.


A neonate scarcely a few months undead, Annabelle has become the poster child for a new Anarch uprising in Los Angeles. (Literally a poster child: Unbound Kindred have started putting her face on posters and leaflets that they leave in places their enemies are known to frequent.)

Her nightly cause is to apply the strategies and tactics of resistance to authority that she learned as a mortal to the horrifying world of the vampires in which she finds herself suddenly and unwillingly. Resolved to not go quietly into that good night, Annabelle insists that she can and will show the Kindred of Los Angeles that the ideals of their original Anarch Revolt have not vanished — they are merely embers that can burn again if they have the will and determination to see it done.


  • Menu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Fires of Rebellion: The same fire that drives Annabelle and ignites the spark of her dream for a better future for all Kindred also burns within you. Taking courage from her example, you have become a leading light among the Anarch Movement in your city. Gain a point of Anarch Status and the Notorious (Camarilla) flaw.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Soapbox: You've met Annabelle personally, attended at least one of her rallies, and studied her speeches. You gain two extra dice in any roll involving a political debate or confrontation where you invoke her name and philosophies of compassionate change or resistance to Camarilla tyranny. Advocating for change in her name may also earn you unwanted attention or ire from Camarilla Kindred who oppose her views.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Freedom Over Oppression: Annabelle's staredowns against those in authority have become known wherever Anarchs gather. Drawing on her example for inspiration, you gain two extra dice on rolls to resist Dominate attempts from other vampires.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bullet Liberty Over Tyranny: Annabelle's message has spread to your city. Your association with her, as determined by you and your Storyteller, grants you the equivalent of three dots of Allies among the Anarchs in any domain. You may call on these associates at any time, for any reason, and by invoking Annabelle's name, you can ensure their support for your causes.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bullet Independence Over Servitude: Once per story, if you can persuade Annabelle that your cause is worthy, she will take up your agenda as her own crusade. She'll: Speak in favor of your goals in public; Exert her time and influence to try to help you prevail; Utilize her own Allies, Contacts, Influences, or Resources on your behalf; Even put herself at risk to help you achieve your agenda. Her support doesn't guarantee success, but it does ensure that you and your cause are taken seriously. The Storyteller determines how this advantage manifests in the chronicle.


