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Anastazi is a 6th generation Tzimisce, childe of Danika Ruthven.


Anastazi was at one time Danika’s mortal seneschal, whose responsibilities included over- seeing Hunedoara Castle and maintaining contact with his counterparts on her scattered estates. Ambitious and clever, he was no slouch at seeing to his own creature comforts as well as his duties. He knew exactly how much bullying he could get away with and how far he could push the bounds of his mistress’ instructions. That he hoped one night to earn the honor of the Embrace was no secret. Still, when Danika announced that he had a week to get his personal affairs in order, he was taken aback by the suddenness of it. But he did as she required and was duly granted the power of the dead water.

Then his lady announced she was leaving — going on some kind of silly spiritual quest, it sounded like to him, but in the meantime, she was counting on him to "take care of things" for her while she was gone. Unfortunately, he was now the youngest of three ambitious childer, which meant he also was the weakest of three ambitious childer. Equally unfortunately, Anastazi lacked the political experience to handle this situation adeptly. Not long after Danika left her domain, he had to flee for his unlife from his own blood-siblings, who had this absurd notion that they had the right to order him around, and that they were more than willing to lock him up and torment him until he agreed.

Then, to make matters worse, Danika returned in the company of a fierce-eyed warrior and pressed Anastazi into service once again — this time to help her retake Hunedoara Castle from the Tremere who had defeated his siblings who had defeated him. Trying to point out the logical error in recruiting one like himself or the enterprise made scant impression on his sire. Just as he knew it would, his courage failed at a critical moment in the battle; unbeknownst to Danika, who was occupied elsewhere, that failure led directly to Rothriel’s death. Luckily, no one still walking the night knows Anastazi’s perfidy, a state of affairs he'd do nearly anything to preserve.

Getting into the Pact: Aitastazi had very little choice about entering the Paсt. Eleven vampires all older and stronger that he was seemed to think it necessary, and one of them was his regnant and sire. If they couldn't think of any better way to survive the siege, what chance did he stand? And at the time, the survival of the informal Golconda school was important to him because it was important to his queen, his star. But he's since found a worthier home for his affections, fully removed from the slavery of blood...

Since Then: With centuries of practice under his belt, Anastazi is now a schemer of the first order; but dwelling in a castle with far too many elders and being bound to a sire he now hates has done nothing to, improve his inferiority complex. His situation remains remarkably (depressingly) like it was when he was mortal. So long as he performs his duties and stays reasonably within bounds, he has tacit permission to see to his own pleasures as he like, of which he takes full advantage.

He's also become the castle's resident fix-it man and token technology buff. He owns a gas generator which he uses to power his quarters’ electric lights. He hasn't acquired a computer because they still intimidate him, but he has a number of cheap electronic handheld games from the 80's and early 90's littering one of his tables and a portable stereo with a small CD collection, as well as myriad other gadgets that were cutting-edge at the time he bought them: a Victrola, a tin music-box bank, an electric typewriter, a portable vibrator from the 1918 Sears & Roebuck catalog (for home treatment of ladies’ “hysteria” — an “Aid That Every Woman Appreciates”), etc.

Character Sheet[]

