Amie Randall is a Sluagh in the court of Tara-Nar.

A trusted advisor to High King David, Amie is one of the few sluagh who moves openly in changeling society. A fixture in the court of Tara-Nar since David's ascension to the throne, she somehow manages to maintain her connections with the rest of the kith. This provides David with vital, and often-times needed, information. There are rumblings among assorted nobles, particularly younger sidhe and the odd troll knight, about what "that damned skulking sluagh" is doing so near the seat of power, but so far Amie has fended off the assaults of her political rivals with grace and panache.
Amie's skin is dark gray, almost black. Her eyes are exceptionally large, and she dresses in simple black gowns. David has tried to give her a title several times, but each time she has gracefully refused, claiming a geas prevents her from accepting such.
- CTD: Kithbook: Sluagh, p. 44