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The Americas, or just America, known as the Western Hemisphere and the New World, comprise the totality of territories in North America, South America and the Caribbean Sea/Central America. Along with their associated islands, they cover 8.3% of the Earth's total surface area and 28.4% of its land area.

Vampire: The Masquerade[]

Few records survive of any pre-Columbian vampiric population in the Americas, but it is certain that they existed there. Methuselahs like Mictlantecuhtli prove the existence of Gangrel and Nosferatu as native Clans, although few original lineages are identifiable. Bloodlines like the Tlacique are among the few original that survive. Within the Aztec Empire, the fresh arrived Sabbat met terrible creatures that profited from the bloodshed, called Huitzilopochtli, Tezcatlipoca, Toci and Tlaloc, and underwent great pains in destroying them or sealing them away.

In the modern nights, the Americas are the main battlefield in the sect war. Central America is the heartland of the Sabbat while the Caribbean are predominantly either Sabbat or Setite influence. South America is a colorful mix between Camarilla domains, Sabbat dioceses and cities claimed by the Independent Clans like the Giovanni and Followers of Set. North America was, until recently, home to the Anarch Free States on the West Coast of the USA, but these have dissolved when the Kuei-jin landed. Still, the Anarch population within the New World is generally higher than in the Old World (or simply louder about it). Camarilla and Sabbat battle each other over control over major North American cities, resulting in the last exchange of blows when the Camarilla took New York City and the Sabbat Atlanta. Aggression between both sects is extremely high during these nights.

Werewolf: The Apocalypse[]

The Americas (called the Pure Lands by the original three Tribes) have always been somewhat closer to Gaia, thanks to the influence the local Fera wielded among their Kin. Only few cities dotted pre-Columbian America and so, breeding grounds for Banes were harder to come by, leaving the Fera to deal with the truly terrible beasts of the Wyrm.

Many Fera that fell in the first War of Rage, like the Qualmi or the Camazotz, survived in the Americas. Truces between the Three Brothers (the Garou tribes of the Uktena, Croatans and Wendigo) allowed for a clear division in territory. North America was Garou land, although the Pumonca, Gurahl, Qualmi and Corax managed to stay there active too, while Central-and South America became Bastet territory of the Balam, although the Uktena had several Kinfolk ties. Mokolé, Ananasi and the Camazotz dwelled in the rainforests. Rumors tell that a group of the Get of Fenris also arrived with the vikings and dwelled in the woods, forming the Ymir's Sweat camp.

The arrival of the Europeans (dubbed Wyrmcomers by the natives) brought many changes. First, vampires, Banes and other wyrmspawn engulfed the lands, festering, while the European Garou saw that the natives were helpless against the tides of corruption that arrived with them and focused on taking Caerns for “safeguarding” from them. The Second War of Rage saw the end of the Camazotz and the fall of Bat to the Wyrm. It took the sacrifice of the Croatans to seal the Eater-of-Souls and the rising of the Storm-Eater to force some modicum cooperation between the Garou and even today; these scars are not as cleanly healed as some would like to believe.

In the Modern Nights, the Americas have become battlefields for the Garou. South America is engulfed by the Amazon War between the Garou Nation and Pentex. Central America’s taint runs deep, but still, some tribes, mostly Uktena, Shadow Lords and Bone Gnawers try to stem the tide in their favor. North America still has its places of untouched wilderness, but is also Pentex greatest foothold. Garou of all Tribes dwell in North America and try to preserve the reserves of Gaia’s beauty against the ravaging from the forces of the Wyrm.

Famous Caerns:

Wraith: The Oblivion[]

The original Dark Kingdoms of the american dead were obliberated by the arrival of the Europeans and the Third Great Maelstrom. From them, only the Central American Flayed Lands survive. The fates of the North American Lands of Flint and the South American Lands of Gold are unknown.

Today, most parts of the american Shadowlands are annexed by Stygia. Exceptions are the Flayed Lands and the Mirrorlands of the Caribbean. The American Shadowlands were the main staging ground for various invasions from the Yellow Springs until the mass destruction wrought by the Sixth Great Maelstrom.

Changeling: The Dreaming[]

See Nunnehi


  • 1.75 million years ago -100,000 years ago: The Ice Age. Gaia attempts to root out Wyrm-corruption on her body by using glaciers. It is not as effective in Eurasia as it was in the Americas, as the Wyrm had no direct access to the Western hemisphere.[1]Finger Lakes of upstate New York are, according to Garou formed when Gaia reaches down, scoops out corruption from the area, and sanctifies it.[2][3]
  • 20,000-30,000 years ago: Wendigo, Uktena, and Croatan cross the Bering Land Bridge with early Amerindians.[4] It appears to them after they had been lead to East Asia by Gaia and prayed for guidance. Wyrm creatures try to follow them, but the bridge breaks and falls into the sea, taking them with it and isolating the Americas from Wyrm influence.[5] The Three Brothers build a sacred mound where the bridge was and destroy most of the remaining corruption in the Americas.[6] The Garou leadership serves to lessen the Delirium in Amerindians.[7] Inuit peoples cross in two waves cross after the bridge refreezes, and remain in Northern Canada and Alaska to maintain the wards keeping the Wyrm out.[5] The totem of the Wendigo changes from Sasquatch to Wendigo.[8]
  • 13000 BCE: A group of Paleo-Indians hunt mastodon, bison, woolly mammoth and caribou in the Las Vegas valley.[9]
  • August 13, 3114 BCE: According to the Mayans, a "creation event" happens on this date. Their Long Count calendar counts the number of days from this date.[10][1] NOTE: The Long Count calendar begins counting from August 11th, not August 13.[11] We have let this stand as-is, assuming the Mayans did things slightly differently in the World of Darkness.
  • 150 CE: The Mexican city of Cuicuilco is destroyed by an erupting volcano.[13]
  • 200s CE: During this century, Croatan fully destroy the Adena mound-building culture in the Ohio Valley.[15]
  • 300 CE-400 CE: The Anasazi pictorial records indicate non-Anasazi humanoids; likely visitors.[9]
  • 500 CE: Classical period of Guatemalan Mayan city-states begins. Some of the “gods” to whom blood was given may have been vampires. Other city-states revere Bastet of the Balam tribe.[16]
  • Late 800s CE: Leif Ericsson comes to North America. It's debatable if he brought Life-mages with him.[17]
  • 986: Bjarni Herjulfson, a Viking Kinfolk of the Corax, gets lost, and sees the New World for the first time, although he does not disembark. He does inform the Corax of what he has seen, however. [18]
  • 900 CE: Sometime during this century, a Viking settlement is established somewhere on the island of Newfoundland, and a few Fenrir made the journey as well. Conflict quickly arose between the Fenrir and native Garou, and the settlement didn't last more than a few decades. Stories say that some of the Get remained and bred into native populations, giving rise to Ymir's Sweat.[19]
  • 11th century: Classical period of Guatemalan Mayan city-states ends, having begun in the 500s. Some of the “gods” to whom blood was given may have been vampires. Other city-states revere Balam Bastet.[16]
  • 1002 Leif Ericson’s navigator, a Corax named Einarr Flies-Like-Smoke, joins Ericson’s expedition in order to steer him away from the Pure Lands, at the behest of the New World Corax. However, a storm forces him to steer the ship to the safety of American shores. Einarr eventually feels that he has no choice but to help Ericson, who eventually visits the areas that Bjarni Herjulfson described. Ericson returns home a hero, but Einarr is derided among the Corax for his failure. [18]
  • 1150: The Anasazi civilization suddenly vanishes, all of them having Ascended.[20]
  • 1300: Enemy Heart Eaters are brought down by fellow Uktena at around this time. [15]
  • 1492: Christopher Columbus arrives in Hispaniola.[52][53] His flagship, the Santa Maria, is a blend of caravel and carrack called a nao.[54] The Conquistadors start to conquer the Americas. Wyrm influenced Conquistadors plunder gold of South American empires.[55]
  • 1500s: Second War of Rage begins in the New World. Old World Nagah immigrate to the Americas and find Nagah already there, to their surprise. Zuzeka forms.[56]
  • 1500s: Hernando de Soto arrives in American southwest, subjugating and conquering natives. Native shifters harry Spaniards.[58]
  • 1500s: The Native Garou do not realize the threat until the Europeans arrive on the east coast[59], and the sheer weight of their numbers overwhelms their magical wards.[60]
  • July 17, 1579: Sir Francis Drake comes ashore at a strange land, and claims it in the name of Queen Elizabeth.[65]
  • 1587: John White settles Roanoke Island with 120 men, women and children from Plymouth, England. White leaves the colony in autumn to return to England for more supplies and colonists, but is held up by the Spanish Armada.[66]
  • 1589: The Croatan and their Kinfolk sacrifice themselves to banish the physical manifestation of Eater-of-Souls at the English colony of Roanoke. [67][68][15] The entire tribe is destroyed, as well as the colony. The name "Croatan" is left etched on a Glade Child tree.[60] The Wendigo blame the Uktena for not coming to the aid of the Croatan, the Uktena claim that they did not know what the Croatan were planning to do.[69]
  • 1590: John White returns to his colony on Roanoke Island. The colony is deserted, the colonists vanished. The only clue is the words "CROATAN;CRO" carved into the surrounding trees.[66]
  • 1600s: The Seneca, Mohawk, Oneida, Cayuga and Onondaga nations unite to form the Iroquois Confederacy.[70]
  • 1600s: It's unknown whether life-mages came to North America with the pilgrims.[17]
  • 1600s: The Seventh Generation turns European colonists in America against the Native Americans. It also orchestrates witch hunts. [72]
  • 1600: Balam legend states that by this time the two tribes of Bastet that called the jaguar kin, the Olioiuqui and Hovitl Qua, have been reduced to such small numbers that the two are nearly extinct, and so forced to join into one tribe - that of the Balam.[75]
  • 1604: Samuel de Champlain founds Acadia in Nova Scotia and Stadaconé in Quebec later, in 1608. Some Canadian Silver Fangs later claim that their ancestors arrived in Canada at this time, but the other tribes doubt this.[69]
  • 1609: Henry Hudson's expedition for the Dutch East India Company explores the area that will become New York City. While no Kindred are present on the voyage, at least some are likely involved in bankrolling it through the Muscovy Company.[77]
  • 1637: Boston's Runnymede Club, its oldest gentleman's club, is founded.[81]
  • 1664: English settle in New Amsterdam. Connecticut's governor orders them to live in peace with the Dutch. New York flourishes as a multicultural haven, mainly because of Gaian energies in the area.[82]
  • 1687: Thanks in part to heavy European Garou influence, New Yorkers force King James II to grant the Iroquois Confederacy equal status under the law. [84]
  • 1700s: The Dreamspeakers have so splintered in their relations with racist Traditions that by this time fully half of them have returned to their native peoples. This schism results in the demise of many Dreamspeakers, and a rift between Tradition and Council that will not be fully healed even three centuries later.[88]
  • 1761: The Samedi bloodline originates to somewhere around this time, as no members of the Samedi predate this point.[99][100]
  • 1780s: Many Red Talons leave Europe due to threats to the existence of their packs and head to the United States. [64]
  • 1784: Wyrm agents plan to disrupt Native American burial sites in the name of science. Thomas Jefferson, despite being hated by the Wyrm, falls for the scheme and initiates the first excavations. Some defiled sites set Wyrm-beasts free. [102]
  • 1795: The Tremere Baladin is sent to Boston to ascertain the status of the Chantry there. He assumes leadership of what he sees as a foundering Tremere outpost.[103]
  • Early 1800s: Aida-Wedo Mangum spends much of her time living and socializing with the free black and Creole society of New Orleans.[105]
  • 1800s: The Ghost Wheel Society first appears in the American West.[111][112]
  • 1800s: Horatio Alger writes a series of children's books where heroes go from rags to riches through hard work, luck, and good deeds.[113]
  • 1800s: Although the Muse of Horror has been around as long as mankind, it is only this century that one of the most gifted poets of the Western world gives her a name: Lenore.[114]
  • December 1811: The Missouri Valley experiences the first of three earthquakes, which temporarily reverse the flow of the river. The earthquakes are the Reality Coders' first experiment with Reality 2.0, and a failure.[118]
  • January 1812: The last of three earthquakes in the Missouri Valley which temporarily reverse the course of the river's flow. The earthquakes are an experiment by the Reality Coders in creating Reality 2.0, and a failure.[118]
  • 1830: Antonio Armijo and his scout Rafael Rivera set upon the trail from Santa Fe to trade goods.[129]
  • 1838: As thousands of their Cherokee Kinfolk are forced out of Alabama, Tennessee and North Carolina, many Uktena leave with them. In doing so, they leave many caerns behind unguarded, rather than allow the European Garou that remained to have them. Presumably the removal of the other major nations of the south – the Choctaw, Creek, Chickasaw, and Seminole – throughout the 1830s sealed the tremendous loss of Kinfolk that the Uktena suffered throughout the Eastern US.[131]
  • 1838: During this forced removal of most of the Cherokee Nation, an Uktena werewolf named Singing Water and guardian of the Mammoth's Bone, a tremendously powerful and ancient fetish, dies protecting her Kinfolk; before her death she manages to impart the artifact onto one of her Cherokee Kinfolk and give him a brief history of the fetish and the charge of eventually getting it back into the hands of the Changing Breeds.[132]
  • 1840s: Mormon missionaries traveling from Salt Lake City to southern California stop so frequently at Big Spring that Brigham Young sends William Bringhurst and 30 other young men to colonize the area. The native Paiute are generous, yet unhelpful.[133]
  • 1842: The Society of Jesus is permitted back into Brazil.[134]
  • 1844: The telegraph is created by Samuel Morse.[136]
  • June 27, 1844: The founder of the Church of Christ of Latter Day Saints, Joseph Smith, is shot to death in Nauvoo, Illinois.[137]
  • 1845-1849: The Potato Famine strikes in Ireland; Fianna Kinfolk are among the many who flee Ireland to escape the famine and suffering there. In addition, the virulent spread of the blight is accompanied by a thick miasma in the Umbra that would cast spirits into Slumber should they come upon it. The exact nature of this Umbral fog is still a mystery.[138]
  • 1847: Bringham Young leads the Mormon people into the Great Salt Lake valley.[137]
  • 1849: The California Gold Rush begins. John Eaton Simcoe travels to San Francisco setting himself up as a banker and investing in several successful businesses in the city.[140][129][137]
  • 1850s: The great Mormon Utah War doesn't erupt in blood and fire as foreseen, but serves as a reminded nevertheless that the faithful ever face oppression.[141]
  • 1850: Mormons apply to become part of the United States as the sovereign State of Deseret, but the government refuses and creates the Territory of Utah, with Brigham Young as governor.[137]
  • 1855: The first Imperial Moot is called in North America, held on New York City's Manhattan Island. During the Imperial Moot a Rite of Caern Building was enacted, in which the vast number of Garou present supplied an unheard of amount of Gnosis to create a caern amidst a city already in the thrall of the Weaver. The revel that followed was also reputably impressive. The caern created there is better known by the name of the sept that tends it in the modern day: the Sept of the Green.[143]
  • 1856: The New York City government sets aside an 800-acre area on Manhattan Island for a park, reasoning that the area was impossible to bring business into. This same area had been the site of an Imperial Moot a year before, and had in fact been turned into a caern.[143]
  • 1857: President Buchanan sends federal troops to Utah. Casualties on both sides continue their unfinished business in the Dark Umbra.[137]
  • 1858: The Utah War ends with Brigham Young accepting a new governor and President Buchanan pardoning everyone involved.[137]
  • 1860s: Late this decade, Jess Franklin works as a conductor on the New York Central railroad.[135]
  • 1861-1865: American Civil War erupts from centuries of plotting by Wyrm. This diverts Wyrm’s attention from the Native Americans, who start to solidify holdings in the North. Wyrm has U.S. government send smallpox infected blankets to the Natives, killing them in droves. Wyrm spirits of sickness also decimate Natives. [145] Bone Gnawer Auntie Mame spies for the North.[146]
  • 1863: The US Cavalry attempts a massacre of a meeting of Dreamspeakers. This is the first and last time such an attack is made, but Dreamspeaker elders continue to be on the lookout for another ambush.[149]
  • 1868: A houngan named Amparo and his consort Seven Flowers open a gateway to a Horizon Realm they call Palmares, to preserve the Haiti that is even now beginning to fade.[115]
  • 1869: Susan B. Anthony founds the National Women's Suffrage Association.[152]


  1. WTA: Rage Across New York, p. 3-5, 15
  2. WTA: Rage Across New York, p. 27
  3. WTA: Tribebook: Black Furies, p. 19
  4. WTA: Werewolf Storytellers Companion, p. 58
  5. 5.0 5.1 WTA: Rage Across New York, p. 15
  6. WTA: Rage Across New York, p. 4-5
  7. WTA: Rage Across New York, p. 16
  8. WTA: Tribebook: Wendigo
  9. 9.0 9.1 MTAs: The Fallen Tower: Las Vegas, p. 21
  10. MTAs: Dead Magic, p. 71
  11. Wikipedia:Mesoamerican Long Count calendar
  12. MTAs: The Fallen Tower: Las Vegas, p. 70
  13. MTAs: Dead Magic, p. 74
  14. MTAs: Tradition Book: Cult of Ecstasy, p. 19
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 WTA: Tribebook: Uktena, p. 29
  16. 16.0 16.1 WTA: A World of Rage, p. 27 Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Now in Print!
  17. 17.0 17.1 MTAs: Beyond the Barriers: The Book of Worlds, p. 131
  18. 18.0 18.1 WTA: Corax, p. 96
  19. WTA: A World of Rage, p. 8 Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Now in Print!
  20. MTAs: The Fallen Tower: Las Vegas, p. 22
  21. WTA: Tribebook: Wendigo, p. 20
  22. WTA: Dark Alliance: Vancouver, p. 38
  23. 23.0 23.1 MTSC: Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade Rulebook, p. 56
  24. MTAs: Horizon: Stronghold of Hope, p. 41
  25. 25.0 25.1 MTAs: Fragile Path: Testaments of the First Cabal, p. 13
  26. 26.0 26.1 MTAs: Horizon: Stronghold of Hope, p. 42
  27. MTAs: Horizon: Stronghold of Hope, p. 64
  28. MTAs: Dreamspeakers Tradition Book, p. 56
  29. VTDA: Vampire: The Dark Ages Rulebook, p. 253
  30. MTAs: Mage: The Ascension Second Edition, p. 10
  31. MTAs: Mage: The Ascension Second Edition, p. 40
  32. MTAs: Mage: The Ascension Second Edition, p. 42
  33. MTAs: Fragile Path: Testaments of the First Cabal, p. 7
  34. MTAs: Fragile Path: Testaments of the First Cabal, p. 10
  35. 35.0 35.1 MTAs: The Fragile Path: Testaments of the First Cabal, p. 14
  36. MTAs: Fragile Path: Testaments of the First Cabal, p. 60
  37. MTAs: Horizon: Stronghold of Hope, p. 40
  38. MTAs: Book of Mirrors: The Mage Storytellers Guide, p. 133
  39. MTAs: Order of Hermes Tradition Book, p. 14
  40. MTAs: Order of Hermes Tradition Book, p. 15
  41. MTAs: Mage Storytellers Companion, p. 12
  42. MTAs: Mage: The Ascension Second Edition, p. 47
  43. MTAs: Mage: The Ascension Revised Edition, p. 31
  44. MTSC: Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade Rulebook, p. 57
  45. MTAs: Lost Paths: Ahl-i-Batin & Taftâni, p. 17
  46. MTAs: Horizon: Stronghold of Hope, p. 61
  47. MTAs: Celestial Chorus Tradition Book, p. 25
  48. MTAs: Horizon: Stronghold of Hope, p. 47
  49. MTAs: Dreamspeakers Tradition Book, p. 12
  50. MTAs: Horizon: Stronghold of Hope, p. 52
  51. MTAs: Sons of Ether Tradition Book, p. 22
  52. MTAs: The Spirit Ways, p. 45
  53. MTAs: Guide to the Traditions, p. 90
  54. MTSC: Crusade Lore: The Storytellers Screen and Book, p. 7
  55. 55.0 55.1 WTA: Rage Across New York, p. 6
  56. WTA: Nagah, p. 33
  57. WTA: Book of the Wyrm Second Edition Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Now in Print!
  58. WTA: World of Rage
  59. WTA: Rage Across New York, p. 5
  60. 60.0 60.1 WTA: Rage Across New York, p. 17
  61. WTA: A World of Rage, p. 23 Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Now in Print!
  62. 62.0 62.1 62.2 WTA: Werewolf Storytellers Companion Revised Edition, p. 59
  63. WTA: Rage Across New York, p. 18
  64. 64.0 64.1 WTA: Ways of the Wolf, p. 31
  65. MTAs: Loom of Fate (book), p. 6
  66. 66.0 66.1 MTAs: Halls of the Arcanum, p. 31
  67. WTA: Werewolf Storytellers Companion, p. 59
  68. WTA: Past Lives (book), p. 64
  69. 69.0 69.1 69.2 69.3 WTA: A World of Rage Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Now in Print!
  70. MTAs: Fragile Path: Testaments of the First Cabal, p. 134
  71. WTA: Rage Across New York, p. 76
  72. WTA: Rage Across New York, p. 18-19
  73. 73.0 73.1 WTA: Tribebook: Wendigo, p. 22
  74. WTA: Rage Across New York, p. 44
  75. WTA: Bastet (book), p. 48
  76. WTO: Wraith: The Oblivion Rulebook, p. XX
  77. 77.0 77.1 VTM: New York by Night, p. 16
  78. 78.0 78.1 MTAs: Horizon: Stronghold of Hope, p. 101
  79. VTM: Dark Colony, p. 15
  80. VTM: Dark Colony, p. 15-16
  81. MTAs: Technocracy: Syndicate, p. 4
  82. WTA: Rage Across New York, p. 19
  83. MTAs: Euthanatos Tradition Book, p. 21
  84. WTA: Rage Across New York, p. 23
  85. WTA: Rage Across New York, p. 22
  86. 86.0 86.1 86.2 86.3 VTM: Dark Colony, p. 16
  87. 87.0 87.1 MTAs: Horizon: Stronghold of Hope, p. 26
  88. MTAs: Mage: The Ascension Revised Edition, p. 58
  89. WTA: Rage Across New York, p. 44
  90. WTA: Rage Across New York, p. 52
  91. MTAs: Book of Crafts, p. 16
  92. 92.0 92.1 MTAs: Technocracy: Syndicate, p. 22
  93. 93.0 93.1 MTAs: Guide to the Technocracy, p. 67
  94. 94.0 94.1 94.2 MTAs: Guide to the Traditions, p. 263
  95. MTAs: Horizon: Stronghold of Hope, p. 44
  96. MTAs: Dreamspeakers Tradition Book, p. 20
  97. MTAs: Order of Hermes Tradition Book, p. 51
  98. MTAs: Mage Storytellers Companion, p. 13
  99. VTM: Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition (Grand Masquerade), p. 411
  100. VTM: Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition, p. 411
  101. WTA: Tribebook: Bone Gnawers
  102. WTA: Rage Across New York, p. 20
  103. 103.0 103.1 VTM: Dark Colony, p. 17
  104. 104.0 104.1 104.2 104.3 104.4 104.5 WTWW: Frontier Secrets, p. 56
  105. 105.0 105.1 MTAs: Book of Chantries, p. 26
  106. MTAs: Guide to the Technocracy, p. 121
  107. 107.0 107.1 MTAs: Mage Storytellers Companion, p. 20
  108. WTA: Breedbook: Ananasi, p. 118
  109. MTAs: Guide to the Traditions, p. 268
  110. WTA: Ways of the Wolf, p. 32
  111. 111.0 111.1 MTAs: Guide to the Traditions, p. 118
  112. MTAs: Guide to the Traditions, p. 146
  113. MTAs: Tradition Book: Hollow Ones, p. 77
  114. MTAs: The Infinite Tapestry, p. 77
  115. 115.0 115.1 MTAs: Book of Crafts, p. 17
  116. WTA: Dark Alliance: Vancouver, p. 91
  117. 117.0 117.1 MTAs: Book of Crafts, p. 66
  118. 118.0 118.1 MTAs: Tradition Book: Virtual Adepts, p. 13
  119. WTA: Tribebook: Uktena, p. 29
  120. WTA: Tribebook: Glass Walkers, p. 27
  121. WTA: Rage Across New York, p. 27
  122. WTA: Rage Across New York, p. 42
  123. WTA: Rage Across New York, p. 60
  124. WTA: Rage Across New York, p. 65
  125. MTAs: Hidden Lore, p. 44
  126. WTWW: Werewolf: The Wild West Rulebook, p. 40
  127. WTA: Tribebook: Uktena, p. 30
  128. 128.0 128.1 WTA: Werewolf Storytellers Companion Revised Edition, p. 59
  129. 129.0 129.1 129.2 MTAs: The Fallen Tower: Las Vegas, p. 23
  130. 130.0 130.1 130.2 130.3 WTWW: Werewolf: The Wild West Rulebook, p. 40
  131. WTA: Rage Across Appalachia, p. 29 -30
  132. WTA: Rage Across Appalachia, p. 131 -132
  133. MTAs: The Fallen Tower: Las Vegas, p. 24
  134. MTAs: Guide to the Traditions, p. 269
  135. 135.0 135.1 MTAs: Technocracy: Iteration X, p. 64
  136. MTAs: Tradition Book: Virtual Adepts, p. 14
  137. 137.0 137.1 137.2 137.3 137.4 137.5 137.6 MTAs: The Fallen Tower: Las Vegas, p. 54
  138. WTA: Tribebook: Fianna, p. 33
  139. MTAs: The Fallen Tower: Las Vegas, p. 53
  140. MTAs: Technocracy: Syndicate, p. 60
  141. MTAs: World of Darkness: Sorcerer, p. 33
  142. WTA: Book of the City, p. 123-124
  143. 143.0 143.1 143.2 WTA: Werewolf: the Apocalypse Rulebook, p. 252
  144. WOD: Midnight Circus, p. 24
  145. WTA: Rage Across New York, p. 6, 21
  146. WTA: Tribebook: Bone Gnawers
  147. 147.0 147.1 WTWW: Frontier Secrets, p. 56
  148. 148.0 148.1 WTA: Gurahl (book), p. 123
  149. MTAs: Dreamspeakers Tradition Book, p. 33
  150. 150.0 150.1 WTA: Rage Across New York, p. 23
  151. WTA: Book of the Wyrm Second Edition, p. 50
  152. MTAs: Tradition Book: Hollow Ones, p. 25
  153. WTA: Breedbook: Bastet, p. 61
  154. WTA: Breedbook: Gurahl, p. 53
  155. MTAs: Destiny's Price, p. 34
  156. MTAs: Destiny's Price, p. 42

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