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White Wolf Wiki

Amen Khal is a Mummy from the first edition of the Mummy setting.


Born and bred into the soldiery of ancient Egypt, Amen Khal served under Ramses the Great as the pharaoh's officer in the campaigns against Asia. Amen Khal's entire life was devoted to the methods of warfare, and it remains his eternal hobby. He has served practically every nation and fought in most great historical battles, as well as some that were never recorded. He often lends his military genius to the underdog of any conflict, as much for the challenge as for any sense of justice.

He has proved to be one of Horus' most trusted supporters. In times when direct action is required, Horus goes to Amen Khal to organize the necessary raid or assassination.

Amen Khal is a short, stout man with light-brown skin. He wears his gray-black hair at whatever length fits the climate. He dresses and talks like a soldier, conducts himself like a general and walks like a warrior. He is a fierce leader and brilliant tactician. The Followers of Set despise him, but they tend to let him be.

Amen is fascinated and appalled by the unprecedented pace of change in the methods of warfare since the dawning of the technological era. He fought in both World Wars, and mourns the lost days of honorable fighting and closer quarters. He fought closely with the Afghani against the Soviet invasion and saw how devastating the technological edge is in warfare.

Character Sheet[]

