Ambrose Walton is the Anacreon wraith of the Grim Legion in the Atlanta Necropolis.
Ambrose Walton was a stern taskmaster in life, and little has changed along those lines since he was shot by his own troops. Besieged on all sides, fighting to hold onto Kennesaw Mountain and the surrounding lands, the Union forces were desperate for a victory. When Walton decided to charge the enemy, he made the bad mistake of riding in front of the troops to rally forces after the call to arms had been made. The first shot fired from a cannon tore Walton's body in half. Walton held no real power until the Union wraiths came south from Fort Sumter, determined even in death to have retribution for their mistreatment.
In recent years, Walton has been a great proponent of Atlanta's growth as an international trading center. He believes that increased contact between the North and South will lead to a decrease in tensions. This places him in a difficult position, since, as the Anacreon supervising those who died of violence, it is in his best interest to encourage violence. However, Walton is of the opinion that violence will always exist, and that he is the best person to oversee the Legion of the Grim in this area for he has seen the horrors of violent death in countless forms. This does not mean that he encourages violence. On the contrary, he is a proponent of working together whenever possible. He does his job well, so he has not come under fire for his overly liberal interpretations... yet. It seems it is only a matter of time before someone from Stygia seeks to replace Walton with someone more likely to incite violence among his followers.
Ambrose Walton is a lanky man with thinning red hair shot with grey. He has a hawkish nose and a full drooping mustache. When he is angered, or when his Shadow is dominant, a huge, gaping hole appears in his chest, precisely where the cannon tore through him on the field of battle. He is always dressed in full regalia of the Union Forces; his rank then was Captain.
Character Sheet[]
- WTO: Necropolis: Atlanta, p. 43, 44