White Wolf Wiki

The Amaranthan was a Blood Cult based off the first victim of diablerie, the ancient Toreador Amarantha. After her death, the cult was started by her childer as revenge by diablerizing the said same Assamite responsible for her death. Her descendants still practice their activities and belief to hunt and devour Diablerists.


Legend states that Amarantha, a childe of the Toreador Antediluvian, was one of the first victims of diablerie. Her grieving lovers took vengeance upon the act’s first culprit, and as the practice came into fashion, swore to ensure anyone who drained a vampire would face Final Death. The Amaranthans survive to this very day hunting down diablerists with little mercy. While they had long been tolerated in Camarilla domains for their swift action against the Sabbat, the sect’s withdrawal has led many domains to reject the cult as their focus turns towards the Ivory Tower and the Anarch movement.

You were Embraced by an Amaranthan and indoctrinated. You know the true evils of diablerie, and what must be done once rumors of the act surface in your domain. You hunt without regard to allegiance or status. When you catch your quarry, you are courteous enough to deliver their final message, carry out any non-blasphemous final wish, or perhaps grant mercy. Your faith may clash with your coterie and domain, but you will see justice done.


  • Menu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Judge: You know time and supernatural forces hide the telltale black veins in a diablerist’s aura. You’ve been taught to look for psychological signs, like panicked glances or smiles that are too haughty. Whenever you interrogate suspected diablerists, you receive three dice to all relevant rolls.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Jury: You are capable of granting clemency. It keeps your faith from being a glorified excuse to murder people. Once per story, when you catch a diablerist, expose their crime beyond any doubt, and argue truly for the sparing of their life, you may take that vampire (if they survive sentencing from a Prince or Archon) as a two-dot Mawla until you feel their crime has been repaid.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Executioner: While you may take pleasure in turning diablerists to ash, there is a process to the execution that must be obeyed. That’s how you keep your conscience clean. When you deliver a diablerist’s final message or complete their final wish, you may erase one Stain from your Humanity tracker.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bullet Tense Respect: Your refusal to acquiesce to sect and domain traditions regarding diablerie doesn’t make you well-liked, but it does bring about grudging admiration. Even if you hold no position in your domain, you have a Status equivalent to three dots in the eyes of any Kindred who view diablerie in a negative way. Conversely, you earn an Adversary rated at either two or three dots, who holds the act of diablerie as sacred.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bullet The Final Hunt: Unlike other Amaranthans, you’re dedicated to hunting down and consuming the cannibalistic descendants of Amarantha’s murderer. It’s dangerous, but you’re prepared to sacrifice your soul for justice. When you perform diablerie on a confirmed descendent of Amarantha’s diablerist, you may make a Remorse roll anytime you would otherwise automatically lose Humanity. All other effects still apply.


Vampire: The Masquerade blood cults
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