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Alexandra was a member of Clan Toreador first mentioned in the Dark Sovereigns expansion set of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle. Supposedly, Alexandra was a member of the Camarilla Inner Circle at one time.

From Duelist issue #07:

"Alexandra was the daughter of a captured slave in Ancient Rome. Bom into servitude, Alexandra witnessed the tyranny of Emperor Nero first-hand.

After the fall of Nero in 68 A.D. and the brief reign of Galba in 69 A.D., Rome descended into anarchy. In the northern territories, Vittellius, leader of the northern troops, declared himself Emperor; in Rome, Otho, the husband of Nero’s jealous ex-wife Poppaea, contested his claim. Meanwhile, Vespasian seized power in the west and maneuvered to overthrow both of them.

As Alexandra came of age, she also began her rise to power. Her beauty attract¬ ed the admiration and interest of wealthy patrons, and she turned this to her benefit. Her grace attracted the interest of the noble class, her charm enchanted the men who served Emperor Otho, and her demure demeanor enraptured their ruler, catapulting Alexandra from servitude to a life of luxury.

Their tryst was well-hidden, but the Emperor was a better lover than a ruler. Vespasian destroyed both Otho and Vittellius. It was at this time that she was approached by a beggar who offered her an escape from the political turmoil. Not one to look down on good fortune, Alexandra accepted. Once away from the influence of the Empire, the beggar revealed himself to be the Toreador Antediluvian, a creature of indescribable beauty and power. Alexandra fell in love and asked to be at his side forev¬ er. Some say her request is the origin of an old saying: “Be careful what you ask for... you may get it.”

Over the ages, she has proven herself to be as cunning as she is beautiful. Her politi¬ cal skills rival that of any Ventrue, while her beauty can command the obeisance of her fellow Toreador...or give them the power to attain further heights."

