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Alejandro Oathbreaker is a Ghost Wolf Ithaeur member of the Lodge of the Storm's Eye.


Alejandro waves away any questions of his past. A too-large and poverty-stricken extended family in Mexico City is news to no one, and the Uratha now called Oathbreaker prefers to focus on the present and the future at all times.

Now in his early 30s, Alejandro still runs with the street gang he helped create more than a dozen years ago, and still leads them as they duck and dive through the surface layer of the underworld. Though he's a good-looking guy with no shortage of swarthy charm, his body bears the scars of past hardships. Three bullet scars decorate the skin of his back, and a failed suicide attempt (which caused his First Change) marks both of his wrists. He keeps these injuries covered at all times, and hates to speak of them.

Oathbreaker has a great love for the city, and when he meets his pack several times a week, he glories in the immersion of running through the Shadow Realm, interacting with the spirits of the city. In several places around the region, he has powerful spirits bound and slumbering, awaiting his next visit to mine them for information and secrets. He treasures his role as a member of the local Lodge of the Quetzalcoatl, and feels deep ties to the ancient people when he meditates. More to the point, he enjoys the respect his packmates give him for his position and unique knowledge. He makes a point of telling of the bans many denizens of the Shadow possess, which he gleaned from his own captured spirits. He faithfully believes in the ancient tales of Yurgarath, but explains the great spirit to his Mexican packmates through Aztec symbolism and the mythology pertaining to the old god Quetzalcoatl.

He earned the name Oathbreaker from when he spat at the ritemaster during his failed Rite of Initiation to the Iron Masters. His own failure gnawed at his nerves, and the sneering condescension of the ritemaster forced Alejandro to act out of anger. He vowed to follow his great-uncle into the tribe, but broke the promise when he failed the Rite of Initiation and refused to try again.

Oathbreaker is a merciful man when he wants to be: sparing spirits' lives if he sees a chance of redemption and consistently handing the money he steals over to his large, impoverished family. However, he has a darker side. Alejandro loves the predatory aspect of being a werewolf, and it all too easily translates into getting heavy-handed with women if they don't give him what he wants. Though he is not a rapist, he knows he has come close several times, and he fears the knowledge getting back to his packmates. They already know he has smacked a few women around, and their responses convinced Oathbreaker that they will not tolerate it happening in the future.


Tribe: Ghost Wolf
Auspice: Ithaeur
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 3, Wits 2, Resolve 2
Physical Attributes: Strength 2 (3/5/4/2), Dexterity 2 (2/3/4/4), Stamina 2 (3/4/4/3)
Social Attributes: Presence 3, Manipulation 3, Composure 2
Mental Skills: Crafts (Cooking) 4, Investigation 2, Medicine (First Aid) 1, Occult (Urban Spirits) 3
Physical Skills: Brawl 1, Firearms (Pistols) 3, Larceny 3, Stealth 3
Social Skills: Animal Ken (Street Dogs) 3, Intimidate 2, Persuasion 3, Subterfuge 4
Merits: Barfly, Language (First Tongue, Spanish) 2, Totem 4
Primal Urge: 2
Willpower: 6
Harmony: 5
Max Essence/Per Turn: 11/1
Virtue: Charity
Vice: Lust
Health: 7 (9/11/10/7)
Initiative: 4 (4/5/6/6)
Defense: 2 in all forms
Speed: 9 (10/13/16/16)
Renown: Cunning 2, Glory 2, Wisdom 2
Gifts: Clear the Way, Feet of Mist, Left-Handed Spanner, Loose Tongue, Partial Change, Sense Malice, Two-World Eyes, Wolf-Blood's Lure, Blending, Read Spirit
Rituals: 3; Rites: Rite of Dedication, Banish Human, Shared Scent, Rite of the Spirit Brand, Banish Spirit, Call Gaffling, Call Human, Fortify the Border Marches, Rite of Dormancy, Shackle Spirit

