Alara Rogers was born in New York State, and attended the University of Pennsylvania with plans to get a doctorate in psychobiology. Her plans changed after attending Emory University for graduate studies, where she found editing role-playing games and working with computers to be more interesting than injecting laboratory mice with hormones or training monkeys to pull levers.
She went on to co-found a business tech company, Liquid Mercury Solutions. Alara currently lives in Baltimore with her husband, four children, and more workstation computers than the number of people in her home.
- 2001/April 16: WTA: When Will You Rage Second Edition - "Calley's Story"
- 1993/November: WW: White Wolf Magazine 39 - "Tools for the Masquerade"
- 1997/July: WTA: Werewolf Chronicles Volume 2
- 1994/May 27: WTA: When Will You Rage?
- 1993: VTM: Clanbook: Gangrel
- 1993/June: VTM: Storytellers Handbook to the Sabbat
- 1993: WTA: Ways of the Wolf
- 1993: WTA: Valkenburg Foundation
- 1992: VTM: Vampire Storytellers Screen Second Edition
- 1992: VTM: Clanbook: Brujah
Special Thanks[]
- 1993/January: VTM: Clanbook: Gangrel
: Alara “Domestic Violence” Rogers, for what’s gonna happen to her fiance if he keeps applying for the same job she’s after.