White Wolf Wiki

Alphonse Gabriel "Al" Capone is one of the childer of Lodin that vie for power in Chicago following their sire's Final Death. The ventrue understands that letting someone else sit on the throne means letting them deal with assassination attempts, the Camarilla’s distant demands, and the damned Anarchists. The “Chicago’s Kingpin” claims to be the man behind everything.


Mortal Days[]

As one of the most notorious names in the history of organized crime, Al Capone was a figure the Kindred always kept a close eye on. Under his leadership, the Chicago Outfit rose to unparalleled dominance, becoming America’s premiere criminal organization. During Prohibition, the Outfit made a fortune supplying contraband alcohol to speakeasies across the nation. Capone’s wealth and influence grew, turning him into a folk hero. The press wrote stories about him, and the police often turned a blind eye, despite claims of investigating him.

Capone’s empire was the envy of many, including Chicago’s Kindred. But fearing the Outfit could become a tool for his rivals, Prince Lodin shielded Capone from vampiric interference. However, as the Outfit’s activities escalated street violence and destabilized the city, Lodin decided enough was enough. He orchestrated Capone’s fall, pushing mortal authorities to imprison him for tax evasion in 1931.

When Capone emerged from prison, his empire had crumbled, with new bosses vying for scraps. It seemed he would have to start over from nothing—until a visitor arrived. Prince Lodin extended an invitation to the man who had once ruled Chicago’s underworld, offering him a taste of true power. As the saying goes, it was an offer Capone couldn’t refuse.

Kindred Nights[]

Capone adapted quickly to Kindred life. Lodin tasked him with managing complex enterprises, which he handled with ruthless efficiency. Impressed, Lodin rewarded his childe lavishly, helping Capone reclaim control of the Chicago underworld—this time from the shadows. While Capone initially resented his absence from the spotlight, he grew to relish his role as the unseen puppet master of the mob.

Yet, one obstacle marred his new unlife: Horatio Ballard. Ballard had despised Capone in his mortal days and found him insufferable as a Kindred. When Capone began venturing into legitimate business to launder his wealth, Ballard saw it as a personal affront. This sparked a secret war between the two that lasted for decades.

Their feud threatened to destabilize Chicago. With journalists probing into the growing tensions, Lodin intervened with a decree designed to weaken both sides: Capone would surrender his influence over the police, and Ballard would relinquish his grip on city government. The compromise pleased neither party. Worse, it alienated Lodin from both his childe and his Primogen. When the Prince eventually fell, Capone shed no tears.

This experience taught Capone a critical lesson: even as a vampire, there’s always someone higher up looking to take their cut. Disillusioned with both the Camarilla and the Anarchs, Capone resolved to focus solely on himself. He briefly seized the role of Ventrue Primogen, but his ambitions were disrupted by the fires of the Second Inquisition.

Rumors of Capone’s death during the Inquisition’s first wave spread quickly. Many doubted the reports, but as time passed, most assumed he had been destroyed. In truth, Capone faked his demise, biding his time in hiding. He kept tabs on Chicago through Alexa Santos, the individual rumored to have “destroyed” him. For Capone, a few years of laying low was nothing compared to eleven years in prison.

Now, with Prince Jackson on the throne and all eyes—living and undead—on Chicago, Capone sees an opportunity to reclaim his place. As the city hurtles toward an uncertain future, Capone intends to be the prime mover behind its destiny. Whether Jackson remains Prince or falls, whoever holds the crown will find themselves paying the piper. And the piper will be playing Capone’s tune.


After Capone’s disappearance from Chicago, some of his lieutenants wanted to continue the great prosperity their gang saw in his mortal heyday. One lieutenant in particular, the Ventrue Eddie Wu, became a vampire not long after Capone and ran one of the only vampiric arms of the gangs in Chicago.

Although during Lodin’s reign this was all very hush-hush, Eddie feels he has no reason to hide and is, in fact, growing in power. The new gang he leads is called “The Capone Gang” and, while small, is influential amidst the criminal underground.

The Capone Gang’s main imports are drugs from Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar, but they still employ cooks for Chicago-made meth. The gang operates out of the Green Mill, a jazz club that’s been around for over 100 years and was a famous Capone hangout. Since Capone has long since become a relic of Chicago’s past, it’s a surprisingly good cover and too old-fashioned to be a gang hangout in modern times. There are two cemeteries nearby that act as exchange points among the undead gang and any human gangs or other vampires.

Eddie Wu is well known for his ruthless “shoot first, ask questions later” attitude. His second-in-command and ghoul, Lily DeAngelis, is more balanced, looking to the long-term future of the gang instead of making violent snap judgments. She balances out Eddie’s temper and is the real brains behind the operation.

Eddie stays outside Chicago’s limits to avoid Prince Jackson’s notice, while Lily handles the night-to-night business.


  • Menu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet A Favor for a Favor: The Capone Gang will do something for you if you do something for them. You know a gal that can get what you need done. Favors are in the realm of procuring drugs, weapons, information, or some other illegal thing. Gain Contacts: Capone Gang (•) and Allies: Capone Gang (•) for one use each per story.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet In Debt: You’ve got a big ask of the Capone Gang. Maybe you need someone gone, or you have to launder some cash, or you’ve got a clean-up job they can handle. No problem. Now you’re in Eddie’s debt. Once per story you can utilize this to fix some sort of problem, but in exchange, at some point in the story, Eddie’s going to call on you for a favor.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Just One Job: When you help the Capone Gang out with a heist, you get a cut of the profits. They often use another Kindred on these jobs, either as an enforcer or just to utilize their supernatural abilities in tandem with the ghouls. They plan out the job, mapping the location for the robbery, taking into account security and surveillance, just leaving you to walk in, grab what’s good, and walk out again. Gain Resources (•••) from a successful completion of the job. Other characters could join in, but how much you decide to cut them in is entirely up to you.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bullet One of Us: It’s official: you’ve spent enough time with the gang to become a member. You can join in a “making” ceremony, where you swear an oath of loyalty to the other vampires in the Capone Gang and gain access to their stash. This gets you Resources (••) and Allies: Capone Gang (••), allowing you to hire some of the members to do work for you as well as some extra cash if needed — with Eddie Wu’s permission, of course. You get one additional die on Streetwise rolls concerning organized crime.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bullet Prodigal Child: Eddie Wu has put an incredible amount of faith in you and sees you as a trusted lieutenant. You’re in on the organizational meetings and can help influence big decisions on what the gang does next. Gain Contacts: Capone Gang (••••), Mawla: Eddie Wu (••), and Haven: Capone Gang Safehouse (••). Now you have to help build a lasting empire in Capone’s name. You gain access to all resources, people, and power this position can grant you within a gang, providing Prince Jackson doesn’t clamp down on your operation. Should you ever put your own interests before that of the gang, you lose the above benefits, potentially gaining Eddie as an Enemy.


Capone is a stout, balding man with a scar upon his left cheek he received during his time as a bouncer in Brooklyn. He appears to be in his late 40s. He is prone to loud outbursts when threatened or informed of failure by his employees. An old-fashioned man, Capone dresses himself almost constantly in fine Italian suits. He is always on the lookout for talented tailors who will work off book.


CbN 1st & 2nd Edition[]

Notes: Capone always has a number of bodyguards around and can summon an army of mafiosi if need be. In combat situations, Capone prefers his old Tommy gun and baseball bats, but he usually leaves the messy work to his Retainers.

Image: Think of an ugly man with a certain ruthless handsomeness despite his pockmarked, snarling face. Better yet, get an actual photograph and show it to the players.

Roleplaying Hints: After having watched the plethora of Hollywood movies glorifying your mortal deeds, you have come to believe their image of you. You have a more "Hollywood Italian" accent than you did during life and speak with the exuberance people say you did.

Haven: A vault beneath a small Italian restaurant in the middle of the Rack.

Secrets: B+

Influence: Capone totally controls the Chicago Mafia and wields substantial control over other organized crime groups, including the Oriental triads and even some of the Colombian and Jamaican syndicates. However, he has ignored the rising black gangs and has nowhere near the influence among them that Kevin Jackson does.

Fifth Edition[]


For the historical figure see Al Capone.


