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White Wolf Wiki

Al-Jazzar is a Imbued of the Visionary Creed.


Few hunters know the Visionary al-Jazzar (the Butcher), and even less so by name. His voice occasionally emerges in the kufic script with warnings and omens. He spoke during the great convention, some of his thoughts finding their way into the transcripts of the Dho 'l-Nun and al-Hallaj factions. He railed against Hajirah252 and Tarjiman220, warning them of the Mosque of Webs. Hajirah and Tarjiman were right to fear his words. He represents a growing band of heretical kiswah allying under the banner of this spider prophet. This lot of acolytes believes it has discovered the "true path," thanks to al-Jazzar's charisma. Little do they know that their prophet is equally lost. In seeking out the horizon, he has forgotten his way back and the very reason why he underwent his journey in the first place. He believes he has found truth again in the Mosque of Webs.

Al-Jazzar is on the verge of becoming infamous among kiswah if only because he's uncovered a terrible new gift upon hitting the pinnacle of "understanding" as a Visionary. He's learned how to transmit portions of his terrible dreams to other kiswah through the kufic script, and already torments other hunters with dreams of the mosque. This effect of his influence spreads slowly. Unless stopped, al-Jazzar could afflict many of the Middle East's kiswah with a mental illness, forcing the remaining few to rely on outside help to deal with him and his movement.

