White Wolf Wiki

Al'Kabor's Arcana is a sourcebook for the EverQuest RPG adapted to d20 rules.


From the White Wolf Online Catalog:

The Master Shares His Knowledge

Across the whole of Norrath and its moon Luclin, the Erudite wizard Al'Kabor is synonymous with the search for mysteries of the past and an understanding of the ways of ancient magic. He has cataloged hundreds of magic items created by the many ancient races of Norrath. His records are now yours!

This volume contains information not only on scores of magic items and trade skill items from the online world of EverQuest, but also many more known previously only to Al'Kabor himself. Also included are rules for creating magic items, as well as guidelines for converting items from online for use in your own game. And finally, dozens of spells - all completely new to Norrath - round out the awesome arcana available within.

100% compatible with 3rd Edition Fantasy Role-Playing Rules

Use the items cataloged by Al'Kabor in your EverQuest Role-Playing Game campaign or in any 3rd edition fantasy role-playing campaign.

Background Information[]

Memorable Quotes[]



Previous release:
EQ: Realms of Norrath: Everfrost Peaks
Game Books
EverQuest books
Next release:
EQ: The Temple of Solusek Ro