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White Wolf Wiki

Aileen Wilkinson is a member of Verbena and a Wiccan.


When Aileen's twin sister Kathy was murdered in 1993, their strict Christian parents declared Kathy had invited it on herself by going out alone dressed "provocatively." When Aileen fled Kathy's funeral in tears, she herself was almost assaulted, but her father was more concerned that she'd embarrassed him in front of the other mourners. But when Aileen stumbled into a Samhain celebration in a park, the total strangers there invited her into their circle and tried to comfort her. That was when she turned her back on her family and her upbringing and embraced Wicca, and that brought her to the attention of the Verbena.[1][2] She was later brought to a chantry along with Jon Fairmont, Teague O'Connel, Deborah Gray, Kameria Shula, and Takoda Walking-Bear to be initiated into the Tradition.

During their training, Aileen had a vision of herself in a past life. In it, she sacrificed her husband to bring much-needed rain to her community.[3] Before the coven's Lammas celebration, Aileen and the others were subjected to a mock kidnapping in order to fully Awaken then.[4]

While celebrating Beltaine at New Hope Farm in 2003, Aileen and her coven-mates discovered a dying cu sith.[5] The following Midsummer, she participated in training a new group of initiates, and then took part in the ritual murder of Jon in order to revitalize the Node beneath the farm.[6]

