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Ahadi Rites are rites used by the Ahadi.


The Ahadi have devised a small number of shared rituals that facilitate cooperation between the different Changing Breeds. Though the native rituals, beliefs, and values of the Changing Breeds vary wildly, all have a common respect for the spirit world, and the judgment of mighty and ancient spirits. What the spirits have sanctified, the Changing Breeds can agree to abide by - usually. Because the sacred secret prevents the spirit world from acknowledging the Nagah, they cannot lead any of these rituals, though they can take part in them.

All of the Ahadi's exclusive rites must be performed within the boundaries of a caern - a serious point of contention among some Breeds. The Ahadi must not only claim many caerns stretching across Africa, but they must keep them open to any member - an idea that makes many Garou, Ajaba, and Simba profoundly uneasy.

Caern Rites[]

  • Level One[1]
    • Rite of Communion - This rite functions in much the same way as the Garou Moot Rite, save for the fact that it is designed to open multi-Breed moots. Each of the Ahadi Breeds is honored in turn, and each calls out to Gaia in his or her own manner. If performed at a caern, the rite is functionally identical to the Moot Rite. Otherwise, it functions in a manner similar to the Bastet rite of Caliah, replenishing the participants' Gnosis and filling them with a sense of well-being.

Mystic Rites[]

  • Level Two[2]
    • Rite of One Blood - This rite is performed for the benefit of a full, sworn kganmadi at the heart of a caern. (The ritemaster need not necessarily be a member of the kganmadi.) One member of the kganmadi steps forward; to his left is a bowl of earth, to his right a bowl of water, and directly before him, a fire. He speaks of the burden Gaia has placed upon him, and cries out to the sky to render him aid. Led by the ritemaster, the members of his kganmadi step forward and speak to his back, affirming their brotherhood and swearing to help shoulder his burden until his duty has been discharged. The kganmadi then departs in pursuit of their sworn mission. A variant version of this rite, known as the Rite of One Mind, is a level three Mystic rite. It is used when joining together a group of shapeshifters who wish to pursue a specific goal together, but are not already members of a kganmadi.
  • Level Three[3]
    • The Dawning Ritual - The Dawning Ritual is the foundation rite of the Ahadi. All shapeshifters who wish to claim membership in the Ahadi must undergo the rite, opening themselves up to the secrets of the pact. In a way, the Dawning Ritual resembles both an initiation and a rite of passage. it must be performed at sunrise, within the bounds of a caern. The prospective Ahadi must bring proof of some deed or service that was of tangible benefit to the Changing Breeds as a whole - some perform heroic ballads, while others donate fetishes to the Ahadi as a whole. The ritemaster then leads the pledge through a recitation of the Ahadi Code while in the presence of the caern's spirit. Assuming the spirit finds no fault with the applicant, the ritual concludes with a celebration to welcome a new member into the Ahadi - this may be anything from an all-day revel to quiet discourse on the finer points of the Ahadi code, undertaken over a fine meal.
    • Rite of the Joined Circle - This very ancient rite was recently rediscovered or reinvented - nobody is quite sure which - and put into use by the Ahadi. Used to bind together members of many Changing Breeds into a pack, it is effectively identical to the Garou Rite of the Totem (W20, p. 213), save that the would-be packmates do not travel into the Umbra. They instead meet the spirit within the bounds of a caern, where the ritemaster calls it into the world to speak to them, judge them, and hopefully find them worthy. When the totem assents to bind the pack, its members cut their hands and bleed together.
    • Rite of One Mind - Variant of Rite of One Blood.
  • Level Five[4]
    • Ahadi Rite - This rite is a sacred covenant designed to link the destinies of all participants in the eyes of Gaia and all who serve Her. Entering into such an alliance is no small matter, and a Changing Breed's choice to do so is typically an event of historic significance. This is the rite used to create the Ahadi alliance, and the focus of the rite was, ironically enough, Black Tooth's skull.


^  Level 1

Caern: Rite of Communion Players Guide to the Changing Breeds Pg. 219

^  Level 2

Mystic: Rite of One Blood Changing Breeds Pg. 266-267

^  Level 3

Mystic: The Dawning Ritual Changing Breeds Pg. 266
Mystic: Rite of the Joined Circle Changing Breeds Pg. 266
Mystic: Rite of One Mind Changing Breeds Pg. 267

^  Level 5

Mystic: Ahadi Rite Players Guide to the Changing Breeds Pg. 219-220
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