Agony is a set of Gifts specific to the Pure Tribes. These gifts are taught by spirits of pain or venomous animals, mostly in the service of Silver Wolf. The gifts are about seeing through one's own pain to be able to inflict a small fraction of that pain on one's enemies.
First Edition[]
Stoicism: One can ignore their suffering, they do still feel pain that was inflicted on them while this Gift is active: however, they are able to shunt that pain aside and act as full capable warriors despite it.
Barbed Arrow: One taps into Silver Wolf's pain and lets it flow through her into her foes.
Pangs of Anguish: This Gift allows the user to take pain he has suffered before and inflict a sympathetic agony in his victims.
World of Pain: When this Gift is successfully activated, one spirit designated by the Uratha suffers real pain, and the spirit's wound penalties get worse as though it were a living creature.
All-Consuming Excruciation: The Uratha using this Gift temporarily soothes Silver Wolf's pain by tugging a large fraction of it away from the great totem spirit and onto a living being. No living being can withstand such agony and remain sane.
Second Edition[]
- Wrack (Cunning): Beset with pain, the prey and weakens as the hunt draws on. Slashing talon and brushing fingertip alike can scrape the nerves to sing with agony.
- Stoicism (Glory): When pain is no longer an enemy, any hardship is surmountable.
- Pain Mirror (Honor): Twist the flesh, snap the bone, and feel the pain flow out.
- Catharsis (Purity): This Facet brings the werewolf into harmony with her suffering, releasing agony into strength.
- Scourge (Wisdom): The Uratha scours away the shackles that would bind her mind and spirit, drawing clarity from her torment.
- WTF: The Pure, p. 113-114
- WTF: Night Horrors: Shunned by the Moon, p. 15