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Adversaries of the Righteous: Iron Siaka is part of a collection of enemies for use in an Exalted Third Edition campaign.


From the seller's page:

From the bustling streets of Nexus to the savage western seas, Creation is ripe with threats to mortals and Chosen alike. Crooked traders, vile occultists, and even zealous protectors of the Realm can be found in every city, satrapy, and region waiting for unsuspecting targets or standing their ground as they prepare for the inevitable.
In this collection you will meet new foes, encounter old enemies, and learn the inner workings of several different factions and societies dedicated to criminal activity, nefarious plotting, and more.
Adversaries of the Righteous: Iron Siaka
Little Mackerel grew up in Auspicious Haven, one of the Blessed Isle's prominent western harbors.  Exalted by Venus, the Sidereal is now an iron-wrought shark, rather than a little mackerel. She remembers what it’s like to be overlooked and unimportant, though, and earnestly protects Creation’s small folk. Sometimes that means adjudicating disputes and advocating for compromise. Most times, it means bludgeoning threats with her mace-like chuí. Iron Siaka takes primal pleasure in combat, though she tells herself she would happily hang up her weapon if peace and harmony reigned.

Background Information[]

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Exalted: Barrow Hound and Devil Stone Buy it from DriveThruRPG!
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Exalted: Lodestar and Susuruss Buy it from DriveThruRPG!