Baroness Adoin Fireplait is a Seelie Sidhe, presumably a Wilder, of House Gwydion.
Numerous tales have arisen recently dealing with this raucous noblewoman's exploits, which are more delightful to the commoners than to the nobles. Adoin is a spirited warrior who exemplifies the common perception of the Gwydion fae: fearless, proud, ferocious in battle, and not quite as sharp as she would like to think. She has had many suitors and has fought duels over romantic entanglements. She takes life very casually, although her demeanor becomes as serious as a wounded griffon when she is insulted. Ever quick to anger, she is equally swift to drop from a killing mood and ransack the kitchen for beer, ale, or Jack Daniels. Though her peers do not much respect her, the commoners generally sing her praises and would be sorry to see their lovable brawler of a baroness go.
- CTD. Noblesse Oblige: The Book of Houses, p. 104.