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The Adarusharu, or wolf hosts, target wolves and dogs for possession instead of humans. These shartha, also known as "Hungry Teeth" feed on fear.


Being possessing spirits of fear, they know it better than anything else. They know how to elicit the most terror from prey and use the woods and their group dynamic to juice their target for every ounce of adrenaline. That said, the Hungry Teeth know fear, but they cannot experience it themselves.

The Adarusharu has two forms, a swarm of wolves and a 'war form' of a single horse-sized many-headed wolf.


Mental Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 4, Resolve 4
Physical Attributes: Strength 5/8, Dexterity 3/4, Stamina 3/6
Social Attributes: Presence 4, Manipulation 1, Composure 3
Mental Skills: Investigation 4
Physical Skills: Athletics (Running) 4, Brawl (Pack Tactics) 4, Stealth 4
Social Skills: Intimidation (Inciting Panic) 5, Animal Ken (Wolves) 4
Merits: Fast Reflexes 2, Fleet of Foot 3
Willpower: 7
Virtue: Prudence
Vice: Envy
Initiative: 8/9
Defense: 4
Speed: 15/19
Size: 4 (each "animal" in swarm)/7
Health: 7 (each "animal" in swarm)/13
Weapons/Attacks: Type: Swarm Attack (Swarm Form), Damage: 1 (L), Dice Pool: 10, Special: See Numina; Type: Bite (War Form), Damage: 2 (L), Dice Pool: 14, Special: -; Type: Multiple Bite (War Form), Damage: 0 (L), Dice Pool: 12, 11, 11, Special: See Numina


  • Swarm Attack: Adarusharu take the shape of a pack of wolves, despite being a single entity. In combat, this confers a number of bonuses. Harrying heir prey from all angles, each part of the pack is considered an additional attacker for the purposes of determining Defense penalties.
  • Gauntlet Breach: As per the Numina of the same name in Werewolf: The Forsaken, p. 277, except it can be used by the physical form of the Adarusharu and only when the moon is in sight.
  • Sense Fear: By spending a turn evaluating a group of subject, the Adarusharu can sense which of the group is potentially most fearful. No roll required; this ability lets the Adarusharu know which member of the group has the lowest Resolve + Composure total, and which have derangements pertaining to fear such as paranoia or a phobia.
  • Stalking: By spending an Essence, the Adarusharu invokes a -5 penalty to all rolls to notice it, including ambush rolls. This effect lasts for the scene, or until ended by drawing attention to itself.


