White Wolf Wiki

Every Deviant possesses Adaptations to help them cope with their Broken nature. At the point of Divergence, each Deviant gains the Stubborn Resolve Adaptation, and two more Adaptations depending on Clade.

Universal Adaptation[]

  • Stubborn Resolve: Once per chapter, the Deviant may increase any Resistance Attribute against any attempt to make them act against their Touchstones.

Cephalist Adaptations[]

  • Focus: Once per chapter, the Deviant may spend Willpower to push a Variation past its Magnitude.
  • Iron Will: The Deviant can spend Willpower to reuse a once-per-scene or once-per-chapter Variation or Adaptation.

Chimeric Adaptations[]

  • Adrenaline Surge: The Deviant suffers bashing damage to reuse a one-per-scene or once-per-chapter Variation.
  • Untamed: The Deviant can lessen the effect of one of his Scars for a while.

Coactive Adaptations[]

  • Consume: The Deviant can suffer lethal damage to push a Variation past its Magnitude.
  • Living Conduit: The Deviant can spend Willpower to reuse a once-per-scene or once-per-chapter Variation or Adaptation.

Invasive Adaptations[]

  • Overclock: The Deviant suffers bashing damage to reuse a once-per-scene or once-per-chapter Variation or Adaptation.
  • Redundancy: Once per chapter, the Deviant can heal all damage and Tilts taken in a scene.

Mutant Adaptations[]

  • Forced Growth: The Deviant can take a minor Instability to reuse a once-per-scene or once-per-chapter Variation or Adaptation.
  • Unpredictable: Once per chapter, the Deviant can substitute one of her Variations for a Universal Variation of up to half Magnitude.

