- For other specific uses of the name Adam, see Adam (disambiguation).
Adam was the first mortal created by God, similar to his role in biblical tradition. With Eve, he is the ancestor of all humans.
In the Classic World of Darkness, Adam was created alongside Lilith, the first woman, in the Garden of Eden. According to the traditions of Lilith's worshippers, Lilith was just as empowered as Adam, independent, and did not willingly bow to Adam's wishes, hence Adam attempted to rape Lilith — or he may have actually done so — which prompted Lilith to flee from Eden (some accounts claim that the child of this rape was Ennoia, the Antediluvian progenitor of the Gangrel, or even the first of the Lamia; Note that Ennoia supposedly has a brother, Chukra, rumored to be the Ravnos Antediluvian, hence, may also have come from Lilith & Adam rather than Caine or Irad as postulated normally of the Ravnos Antediluvian). God then created a second wife for Adam, and Adam watched her being created from the inside out, which lead to him not being able to love her. Supposedly, this second wife is the Crone that Caine encounters in his wanderings after his encounter and subsequent break free from Lilith. Eve is created by God as a third wife for Adam, and Adam is put to sleep during the process so that he does not witness the making of Eve, and after the Fall the pair would have two sons: Caine and Abel.
The serpent that tempted Eve (and, by association, Adam) with the forbidden fruit that caused the Fall was actually Lilith according to Lilin tradition, but according to the Fallen, the temptation was actually made by Lucifer himself, and was made not only to Adam and Eve but also to Caine and Abel; of the four, only Abel rejected Lucifer - and a quarter of Humanity went with him to ally themselves with God, rather than the rebellious angels.
When Caine murdered Abel, either Adam or God banished him to the lands east of Nod; different versions of the Book of Nod offer different perspectives on this point. Regardless, Caine was soon cursed by God's Angels: Michael offered redemption at God's grace, but upon being rebuffed by Caine, bestowed him a curse to be vulnerable to fire; Raphael brought news that Abel had forgiven him and that God's mercy would wash him clean, but Caine's rejection of them draws the curse of Raphael bestowing vulnerability to sunlight, which is perpetuated to be the sight of God in WoD; lastly, Uriel came to tell him God has forgiven him, and upon Caine's rebuttal, cursed him to cling to darkness, drink only blood, eat only ash, be always as they were at their death, undying, and for all they touch to crumble into nothing, until the end of days - in essence, to become the first vampire. (A fourth Angel then appeared, Gabriel, "Lord of Mercy," who still offered a way out from God: the Golconda, which Caine must tell all his Childer about as a way back into the Light.)
At some point after Abel's death, Adam and Eve had another son, Seth, who in turn became the ancestor of all humanity - hence the vampiric terminology "Children of Seth" for Humans, the Herd.
Adam's ultimate fate is unknown; unlike Eve and Abel, he is not known to have become a wraith, and unlike Caine, he is not known to have become a vampire. He may have simply Transcended upon his death.