White Wolf Wiki

Abraham Wolff was a Malkavian given Praxis over the city of Berlin by the Camarilla. The brutality of Prince Abraham led to his downfall and Final Death at the hands of the city's Anarchs.


Abraham Wolff was originally Embraced into the Sabbat, the childe of a Malkavian antitribu.[1] Little is known about his time in the Sword of Caine beyond the fact that Abraham eventually defected from that sect and became a member of the Camarilla.

When the Ivory Tower deposed the Ventrue Prince of Berlin Wilhelm Waldburg, the Elders of the Sect placed Abraham in charge of the city. Rumors say that nobody expected Prince Wolff to succeed at uniting the politically divided city.[1]

While Abraham was savvy enough at the beginning of his princedom to maintain key political players in their positions within the Primogen and elsewhere,[2] the new Prince became obsessed with the gossip that spoke disparagingly about him. Paranoid, he began to see enemies everywhere, and decided to take "appropriate" actions in order to defend his Praxis.[1]

By 2017, Abraham's cruelty and madness led the Anarch Movement in the city to organize against him. In April of the same year, the united Anarchs of Berlin were able to tear Abraham to shreds in the streets of Friedrichshain.[3]

