The Aberrant Storytellers Screen is a four-panel cardstock Storyteller's screen, and was the first supplement for Aberrant. The Aberrant Storytellers Companion is included with the screen.
From the White Wolf catalog:
- World of Dream...
- Eerily like our own world, the Aberrant universe of 2008 has been irrevocably changed by the presence of the godlike novas. All aspects of human society have felt — or suffered — the presence of these capricious, quantum-powered deities.
- ...Nightmare Future!
- The Aberrant Storytellers Screen features additional setting information, including the effects of novas on existing corporations, religions and cults. Additionally, a complete story, "Permanent Vacation," enables players to jump into the action as Aberrants, Utopians or agents of the sinister Project Proteus.
- Viasoft
- Utopia Affiliate: Novation Enterprises
- N!
- Novelty Consulting
- Catholics
- Baptists
- Unitarian Universalist Association
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
- Paganism
- Judaism
- Islam
- Hindusm
- Nova Cults
Permenenent Vacation[]
- Ibiza: Day 1
- Ibiza: Day 2
- Ibiza: Day 3
Quantum Communion[]
- Marrakesh: Day 1
- Marrakesh: Day 2
- Marrakesh: Day 3
La Grand Vie[]
- Monte Carlo: Day 1
- Monte Carlo: Day 2
- Aftermath
Background Information[]
The 1999 Jul-Dec Catalog has a different text entry for the book:
What Lies in Wait for the New Gods?
The Aberrant world is full of mysteries and hidden secrets. Some things only the Storyteller should know. Have the mysteries of the Aberrant setting at your fingertips.
The Secrets Revealed
The Aberrant Storytellers Screen is the first supplement for Aberrant. It presents all the chards and tables necessary to run Aberrant, as well as additional setting information and a ready-to-run story in a 72-page book.
Memorable Quotes[]
Character Sheets[]
- Charlotte Holden
- Thrillseeking friend of Jennifer "Slider" Landers
- Chiraben
- Project Proteus Operative
- "Iron Skin" Andy Vance
- Amp Room's "Face Man"
- Count Raoul Cristóbal Orzaiz
- Teragen public relations aristocrat
- Jake "Dragon" Korelli
- Amp Room Bouncer
- Zaid Alwan
- The musclebound Baraka cult leader
- Khytam Manat al-Uzza al-Lat
- The "nurse assistant" who only shows you her eyes
- Benoit "Zip" Goubeaux
- The Tragic Elite
- Seraphelle
- The DeVries Agency Poster Girl
- Raphael Orzaiz
- Count Raoul Orzaiz's Father
Other Characters Mentioned[]
- Jennifer "Slider" Landers - Team Tomorrow sweetheart who died mysteriously
- Tycho "Wardog" DeWitt - DeVries Agency Elite that mysteriously vanished.
- Caestus Pax - Leader of Team Tomorrow
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