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This Century In Other Timelines

Chronicles of Darkness: 800s

World of Darkness: 800s

The 9th century in the World of Darkness.


  • 800s -1100s: Cambodia's Angkor period.[1]
  • Dissaffected young Kindred begin coalescing into the movement known as the Furores.[2]
  • Criamon, founder of House Criamon, is lost to the world, possibly as a result of Wizard's Twilight. The details aren't know, as Criamon and his House guard their privacy jealously.[3]
  • Iamitu'krielle bani Criamon disappears, but reappers perdiocally over the next several centuries, speaking strange prophecies.[4]
  • The Freedom Razor cabal is founded as a Chakravanti assassins' cult.[5]
  • Greek literature and Indian mathematics are translated into Arabic, leading to an evolution of Arab science, capable of absorbing new ideas.[6]
  • First appearance in correspondence of organization called "Cabal of Pure Thought". Cabal is a faction of the Sacred Congregation, dedicated to enforcing the idea of a single religion as a means to Ascension.[7]
  • The Sisters of Hippolyta find a semi-permanent home in southern France. They expand from a concentration on healing arts to a general focus on the connections between mind, body, and the Earth.[8]

Early 800s[]

Late 800s[]


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