White Wolf Wiki
This Decade In
Other Timelines

Chronicles of Darkness: 520s

Age of Sorrows: 520s

World of Darkness: 520s

Decade of 520 CE.


520 CE[]

521 CE[]

  • Indian monk Bodhidharma arrives at the Shaolin temple; his mere presence drives away the parasitic shen which had been infecting it to this point. This attracts the attention of the Akashic Brotherhood, who send Disciples to train with the holy man.[1]

523 CE[]

526 CE[]

527 CE[]

  • Emperor Justinian I ascends to the throne of the Byzantine Empire. With his ascension, the separation of the Byzantine Empire with the old Roman Empire is complete.[3]
  • The War for the Black Torc: Seelie vs. Unseelie throughout Wales and England over the magickal Black Torc. Unseelie Prince Carniog leads Saxons against the Seelie. Morgan le Fay betrays Caerna's son, Prince of Glamorgan, who is enchanted by the Black Torc, and then rules Glamorgan with her Unseelie court.[4]

529 CE[]

  • The Akashic Brotherhood occupies the Shaolin Temple, and declare that anyone who sincerely sought enlightenment could study there.[5]


510s 500s 530s