White Wolf Wiki
40s BCE
This Decade In
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Chronicles of Darkness: 40s BCE

Age of Sorrows: 40s BRY

World of Darkness: 40s BCE


49 BCE[]

44 BCE[]

  • Julius Caesar is assassinated.[1] The event provides the impetus for Lucius Casioli's transformation of Mt. Ossa Calyx into the Collegium Praecepti, the Brotherhood of the Rule.[2]

40 BCE[]

  • 54 BCE-40 BCE: Roman invasion of Britain. The destruction of many Celtic sorcerers and druids.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 MTAs: Dead Magic, p. 92
  2. 2.0 2.1 Mage Storytellers Companion|page=9}}
50s BCE 1st century BCE 30s BCE