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Chronicles of Darkness: 320s

Age of Sorrows: 320s

World of Darkness: 320s


320 CE[]

  • 313 - 320: Emperor Constantine embraces Christianity. Messianic Voices clash with Mithraic Singers, resulting in riots and plague.[1]
  • Revelation of the Pure Thought of God, as Revealed by the Archangel Gabriel, His Messenger written by Claudius Dediticius (a supporter of Constantine). This treatise details a one-world, one-God philosophy. Later in the year, Claudius creates the Cabal of Pure Thought (Gabrielites).[1][2]

324 CE[]

325 CE[]

326 CE[]

  • Constantine founds Nova Roma upon Byzantium, which will later be named after him.[8]


310s 300s 330s