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Trinity Universe: 2093


  • Askani Sere for The New World writes about something which may surprise many readers: the FSA's federal government still exists, although it doesn't hold much real power. Most of the power is held by either the metanats or by the Federated States Military.[1]
  • A few thousand acres in the eastern portion of the FSA's Southwest District are zoned for manufacturing development. The board never pursues the expansion, leaving the region unused.[2]
  • May
    • May 18: Margaret Kasuga, director of Nippon's Nova Operations Command, advises all Star Project personnel that Beta Canum Venaticorum is no longer a workable site for Nippon's first space colony: "The nova Rushing Mountain recently entered Tertiary Singularity. She's not taint-mad, but she now has her own agenda and is no longer predictably interactive. Our last communication with her indicated that she had claimed this world as her own and had begun transforming some of the local animal life into fully sentient semi-humanoid inhabitants." (Trinity: Asia Ascendant)


2092 2000s