2062 |
This Year In Other Timelines
Trinity Universe: 2062 |
- The slow rebuilding of the Olympus and Camelot Lunar bases takes up the next nine years.[1]
- The collection of all the Federated States' intelligence agencies forms the Central Security Agency.
- The 32nd Amendment to the Constitution. FSA officials site this amendment as justification to promote the new fascist regime.[2]
- August 12: The Trinity Council sends a message to all North American and European outposts, informing them of Project Rewrite. With the destruction of the OpNet, all outposts are authorized to commandeer all book and database libraries within their jurisdictions, to be shipped to Æon holding facilities. Information will be compiled and preserved, to be posted selectively if or when the OpNet is restored.[3]
2061 | 2000s 2060s |
2063 |