White Wolf Wiki
This Year In
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Real life: 2013

Chronicles of Darkness: 2013

World of Darkness: 2013

Trinity Universe: 2013


  • A master of the Ordo Dracul in Gothenburg, Sweden conducts the experiment "Isolating The Mental Pathways That Comprise “Faith” In Kindred" by taking Sanctified captive with the blessing of the Carthian prince. [1]
  • Test subjects of the Merrick Institute organize to overthrow their captors.[2]
  • The March 23 Movement, or M23, is forced out of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.[3]
  • A meteor strike in Chelyabinsk, Russia unleashes a small brood of lesser mulhithim on the local Shadow.[4]


  • Brazil is rocked by the largest public demonstrations in twenty years over various issues of government malfeasance. The First Meret and Orixás help stir the protests in retaliation for O Corte Segredo's attempts to clear the favelas of Rio de Janeiro.[5]


  • December 26: The corpse of John Doe is found in an abandoned rectory near a cathedral in Cook County. The torso had been cut open and mutilated, the head is missing. After thirty minutes exposed to the air, the flesh rapidly crumbles, leaving only the skeleton and the stench of sulfur.[6]
  • December 30: The toxicological obduction of the remains of John Doe shows presence of sulfuric acid, formaldehyde, and 4 unknown compounds.[6]


2012 2000s