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Real life: 1999

Chronicles of Darkness: 1999

World of Darkness: 1999

Trinity Universe: 1999




  • The Nagah plan to kill Blacktooth, only to find him already dead at the hands of persons unknown.[45]
  • The Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino opens in Las Vegas.[46]
  • March 3: Enrique Macias is glad Shannon Labour came over. He mentions she doesn't have to try smoking up if she doesn't want to, but suggests that sometimes people learn things they wouldn't have otherwise.[47]
  • March 6: Shannon Labour decides she wants to try smoking up. Enrique Macias demonstrates how it's done. He tells her she can't fight anything, she should just let life carry her as it will. He encourages her to zone out and relax.[47]
  • March 29: Xadreque Machado proposes the idea of "free spirits," a type of Umbrood which has a great deal of latitude in where and how far it may travel.[48]






  • August 12: Dominic LeTarry relates a confusing experience at his kung fu class, where he sparred with his sifu, and somehow managed to block sifu's punch without using his arms. Sifu invites him to a special class.[81]
  • August 13: Dominic LeTarry talks about sifu's "special class." He was the only one there, and all sifu wanted to do was talk. He asked about imaginary friends and any troubles LeTarry might have had at school, then proceeds to talk about a reality where martial artists can fly through the air without wires. LeTarry thinks sifu's a bit odd, and decides to stay away from class for a while to focus on his real life.[81]
  • August 16: Dominic LeTarry notices strange things happening. His work keeps forgetting to schedule him in, his friends don't call anymore, and he and his girlfriend Janet fight all the time about nothing.[82]
  • August 20: Dominic LeTarry thinks sifu might be right, and he might have to go back and talk to him. After being jumped by four muggers, LeTarry somehow just knew exactly who was going to move and in what order, so instinct took over. He took out three in as many seconds, and then punched the last guy a distance of 20 feet. It was only afterwards he realized he had literally dodged a bullet.[82]
  • August 22: Dominic LeTarry feels like his life is unravelling. His girlfriend Janet left, telling him she doesn't know him anymore. The video store lost his paperwork, corporate says he never worked there, and accounting never cut him a check. It took all day to clear that up.[82]


  • September 1: The Paris Las Vegas Resort and Casino opens in Las Vegas.[83]
  • September 6: Dominic LeTarry thinks his sifu might be right. LeTarry's quit his job, since he had to fight to get his paycheck every week. He realizes now he has been sleeping and is just starting to Awaken. He's been teaching at the studio with sifu. He doesn't know for how long, but knows he's got a lot more to learn.[84]
  • September 9: Dominic LeTarry had a horrible dream about flame and fire, and the screams of people dying. He can't remember anything clearly, but he knows something was just lost. Something very important.[84]
  • September 10: Dominic LeTarry writes about something strange... he tried taking the bus, but as he was looking for change, he felt like something hit him in the gut, so he hurled all over the front of the bus. The driver yelled at him to get off, and for the rest of the day everyone stared at him as though he were a street person or a criminal.[84]
  • September 12: Dominic LeTarry realizes that something is very wrong. No one has seen sifu since the night LeTarry had that nightmare. He has disappeared, and oddly, none of the other students seem to be able to recall what he looks like.[84]
  • September 20: Dominic LeTarry realizes that sifu probably isn't coming back. He can feel and almost control his power now, but still feels he has a lot to learn. His fellow tenants no longer acknowledge him, his landlord has stopped asking for rent, and he spent ages trying to close down his bank account. Apparently the IRS was looking into it. Someone left a note in his gym bag after class one day, and he followed the instructions to meet several others like him. Something has happened, the rules have changed, and no one bothered to tell the players. They're all alone.[84]



  • November 1: The annual revel of the Ceilican in Scotland ends in disaster when they are attacked by Black Spiral Dancers. Most are slain, some are dragged off to be corrupted, and perhaps a handful escape.[91]
  • The Camarilla goes on the offensive against the Sabbat and takes New York from them.[92]


  • After over 800 years in torpor, Christof Romuald awakens and fights his way out of the Society of Leopold headquarters in London.
  • Elizabeth Genereader reveals that the Cyber Dogs had been experimenting on unwilling lupus; within a day the Glass Walkers have begun to hunt down and kill most of the Cyber Dogs. This event drives the Random Interrupts to replace the Corporate Wolves as the dominant camp of the Glass Walkers.[93]
  • Silent Striders from the Eaters of the Dead camp find a Setite vampire called Consuela in the streets of Mexico City, ambush her and perform the Rite of Dormant Wisdom on her. The Theurge Kameel Thoughtrunner eats her brains, and learns huge amounts of information, most importantly the final line of Set's curse in the original tongue. The Eaters of the Dead use this to create the Rite of Mocking the Serpent, and use both to help them try and lift Set's curse from the Silent Striders. [94]
  • December 31: The gathering at the Pyramids to usher in the new millennium may be a powerful Cult of Isis ritual with thousands of unwitting participants.[95]
  • A lot of Iteration X is drinking pretty heavily, seeing the year's rollover as a symbolic change ushering in a New Era. Virtual Adept Willy Pete spends the night babysitting servers at a small office.[96]
  • The status of the Hyperion War is as follows: Traditions hold Ganymede, the Technocracy holds Europa, the Marauders hold Callisto, and the Nephandi are camped on Io.[97]



  1. VTM: Children of the Night, p. 92
  2. VTM: Clan Novel: Ventrue
  3. VTM: Encyclopaedia Vampirica, p. 42, 194
  4. VTM: Clan Novel Saga Volume 3: Bloody September
  5. VTM: Guide to the Camarilla, p. 20
  6. VTM: Clanbook: Gangrel Revised, p. 38
  7. VTM: Encyclopaedia Vampirica, p. 12
  8. VTM: Midnight Siege, p. 20
  9. VTM: Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
  10. WTA: A World of Rage, p. 20 Buy it from DriveThruRPG!
  11. WTA: Silver Record, p. 71
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 WTA: Werewolf Storytellers Companion, p. 59
  13. WTA: A World of Rage, p. 54-55, 61-62, 64 Buy it from DriveThruRPG!
  14. WTA: A World of Rage, p. 152 Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Now in Print!
  15. WTA: Tribebook: Uktena, p. 31
  16. WTA: Umbra: The Velvet Shadow, p. 26
  17. WTA: Werewolf Storytellers Companion, p. 59
  18. WTA: Tribebook: Uktena, p. 31
  19. WTA: Umbra: The Velvet Shadow, p. 31
  20. WTA: Book of the Weaver, p. 33
  21. WTA: Ratkin, p. xx
  22. MTAs: Ascension, p. 21
  23. MTAs: Guide to the Technocracy, p. 19
  24. MTAs: Guide to the Technocracy, p. 104
  25. MTAs: Initiates of the Art, p. 26
  26. MTAs: Dragons of the East, p. 63
  27. MTAs: Dragons of the East, p. 111
  28. 28.0 28.1 MTAs: Tradition Book: Celestial Chorus, p. 42
  29. MTAs: Guide to the Traditions, p. 68
  30. MTAs: Guide to the Traditions, p. 137
  31. MTAs: Convention Book: Iteration X, p. 70
  32. MTAs: Tradition Book: Euthanatos, p. 76
  33. MTAs: The Infinite Tapestry, p. 155
  34. 34.0 34.1 MTAs: Tradition Book: Order of Hermes, p. 35 Buy it from DriveThruRPG!
  35. 35.0 35.1 MTAs: Lore of the Traditions, p. 107 Buy it from DriveThruRPG!
  36. MTAs: Tradition Book: Order of Hermes, p. 79 Buy it from DriveThruRPG!
  37. MTAs: Tradition Book: Sons of Ether, p. 38
  38. MTAs: Tradition Book: Sons of Ether, p. 37
  39. MTAs: Tradition Book: Virtual Adepts, p. 27
  40. HTR: Hunter Storytellers Companion, p. xx
  41. 41.00 41.01 41.02 41.03 41.04 41.05 41.06 41.07 41.08 41.09 41.10 41.11 41.12 41.13 41.14 41.15 41.16 41.17 HTR: Hunter: The Reckoning Rulebook, p. xx
  42. WTA: Rage Across Egypt, p. 109
  43. MTAs: Dead Magic, p. 71
  44. 44.0 44.1 44.2 44.3 44.4 MTAs: Initiates of the Art, p. 74
  45. WTA: Nagah, p. 35-36
  46. MTAs: The Fallen Tower: Las Vegas, p. 37
  47. 47.0 47.1 MTAs: Initiates of the Art, p. 75
  48. 48.0 48.1 48.2 48.3 MTAs: The Book of Madness Revised, p. 123
  49. WTA: A World of Rage, p. xx Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Now in Print!
  50. WTO: Wraith: The Oblivion - Afterlife
  51. MTAs: The Book of Madness Revised, p. 124
  52. MTAs: The Fallen Tower: Las Vegas, p. 46
  53. MTAs: Guide to the Traditions, p. 141
  54. MTAs: Guide to the Traditions, p. 142
  55. MTAs: The Book of Madness Revised, p. 91
  56. MTAs: Tradition Book: Dreamspeakers, p. 98
  57. MTAs: The Infinite Tapestry, p. 142
  58. KOTE: Half-Damned: Dhampyr, p. 36
  59. VTM: Clan Novel Saga Volume 1: The Fall of Atlanta, p. 272, etc
  60. MTAs: Ascension, p. 100
  61. MTAs: Blood Treachery, p. 19
  62. MTAs: Dragons of the East, p. 97
  63. 63.0 63.1 MTAs: Tradition Book: Akashic Brotherhood, p. 23
  64. 64.0 64.1 64.2 64.3 64.4 MTAs: Dead Magic, p. 38
  65. MTAs: Ascension, p. 192
  66. MTAs: Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition, p. 99 Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Now in Print!
  67. MTAs: Mage Storytellers Companion, p. 14-15
  68. MTAs: Dead Magic, p. 91
  69. MTAs: Dragons of the East, p. 109
  70. MTAs: Tradition Book: Euthanatos, p. 34-35
  71. MTAs: The Infinite Tapestry, p. 143
  72. MTAs: Ascension, p. 97
  73. MTAs: The Fallen Tower: Las Vegas, p. 68
  74. MTAs: Dead Magic II: Secrets and Survivors, p. 24
  75. WTA: Werewolf Storytellers Companion, p. 59
  76. WTA: Werewolf Storytellers Companion, p. 59
  77. MTAs: The Infinite Tapestry, p. 148
  78. MTAs: Dead Magic, p. 37
  79. MTAs: The Bitter Road, p. 35
  80. 80.0 80.1 80.2 80.3 MTAs: Dead Magic, p. 39
  81. 81.0 81.1 MTAs: Mage: The Ascension Revised Edition, p. 303
  82. 82.0 82.1 82.2 MTAs: Mage: The Ascension Revised Edition, p. 304
  83. MTAs: The Fallen Tower: Las Vegas, p. 44
  84. 84.0 84.1 84.2 84.3 84.4 MTAs: Mage: The Ascension Revised Edition, p. 305
  85. MTAs: Guide to the Traditions, p. 5
  86. MTAs: Tradition Book: Sons of Ether, p. 82
  87. VTM: Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
  88. MTAs: Mage: The Ascension Revised Edition, p. 306
  89. MTAs: The Bitter Road, p. 13
  90. VTM: Swansong
  91. WTA: A World of Rage, p. 65 Buy it from DriveThruRPG!
  92. VTM: Clan Novel Saga Volume 4: End Games
  93. WTA: Tribebook: Glass Walkers, p. 31, 57
  94. WTA: Rage Across Egypt, p. 107-108
  95. MTAs: Sorcerer Revised, p. 36
  96. MTAs: Convention Book: Iteration X, p. 37
  97. MTAs: The Infinite Tapestry, p. 129

1998 20th century