White Wolf Wiki
This Year In
Other Timelines

Real life: 1990

Chronicles of Darkness: 1990

World of Darkness: 1990

Trinity Universe: 1990


  • Late Winter: Baba Yaga awakens in Russia , and begins to manipulate her pawns into position for a conflict with the local Brujah council.[2][3][4]
  • Late Winter: Pentex attempts to establish a new base, in the form of a “rainforest preservation research center” called Green River Awareness. The Swift Claw pack destroys the surrounding jungle area and makes it look like Pentex did it. The pack is tried before Golgol Fangs First and found guilty of conspiring with the Wyrm, but the charge is dismissed and renown is rewarded instead when Pentex is blamed, banned from the area, and investigated by the Brazilian government, turning the tide of the war.[5]
  • More city mothers and city fathers, spirits which personify cities, appear than ever before.[6]




  • April 15: Lars Mjolnir of the Order of Hermes presents a memo on the Virtual Adepts using historical letters, memos and correspondences showing the Adepts to be masters of manipulation and that they are not to be trusted.[30]



  • October 5: Robert Elliot found dead in his home due to what is ruled a self-inflicted gun shot wound to the head.[33]
  • October 6: Robert Elliot was scheduled to appear in court on this date over accusations of insider trading and embezzling over $30 million from ElectroBank.[33]


1989 20th century