White Wolf Wiki
White Wolf Wiki
This Year In
Other Timelines

Real life: 1989

Chronicles of Darkness: 1989

World of Darkness: 1989

Trinity Universe: 1989


  • Isabelle Talbot travels to Santa Fe, New Mexico in search of her son Andrew. Several days later she is found by local police in a hotel room, gravely injured, her informants brutally murdered. She insists that her attacker was both Andrew and a horrific monster.[1]
  • Protests against government corruption rock Tiananmen Square in Beijing. At the same time, Beijing's Sin-Eaters attempt a revolution in the Underworld, which is repressed in bloody fashion by an army of Reapers.[2]
  • The last members of the Lodge of the Thin Shadow are picked off one by one by a group of Fire-Touched. The Pure werewolves then persuade the lodge's totem to let them use its name in order to infiltrate the Forsaken.[3]


  • November 9: In response to mounting public pressure in East Berlin, the Berlin Wall is opened.[4]


1988 1900s