White Wolf Wiki
This Decade In
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Real life: 1980s

Chronicles of Darkness: 1980s

World of Darkness: 1980s

Trinity Universe: 1980s


  • Wungala Rose is instrumental in setting up community run health centers in Australia at this time.[1]
  • Manufacturing jobs start to move to Asia. Scar Realm moves closer to the Yomi Realm, and Yomi demons start to take the place of the former masters of Scar Realm. [2]
  • Some hippies turn into yuppies. Children of Gaia speculate that the Weaver may have created this backlash.[3]
  • By this time, it's estimated that Technocratic innovations are about 50 years ahead of publicly-available technology.[4]
  • Robots begin to replace auto workers.[5]
  • Jamaican posses originate to early this decade.[6]
  • The cyberpunk revolution takes hold. Writers like William Gibson, Bruce Sterling and Lew Shiner lead the way.[7]
  • The early gothic movement arises from the riots of punk, glam and metal.[8]
  • Rumours place the foundation of the Waydown to this time.[9]
  • Japanese corporations begin aggressively expanding into the US market.[10]
  • Soviet Russia rounds up dozens of potential psychics, as well as Siberian shamans and Central Asian Sufi mystics for Project Zmei. [11]

Early 1980s[]

  • Plethora fetish is introduced. Increases the likelihood that offspring from parents under its influence will undergo the First Change at puberty, but it causes offspring to be born sterile and deformed. This affects both Garou and Kinfolk offspring. Offspring also cannot have Ancestors or Pure Breed.[12]
  • The Sons of Tengri stricture against two or more Masters occupying the same building at the same time lapses, leading to the Altay Massacre.[13]
  • The Song of the Ancients is founded.[14]
  • George Carreau devastates untold sums of Savings and Loan accounts before the bubble bursts.[15]


  • Akashic Brother Leng Chao creates Leng Chao's Chamber of Yin-Yang in an effort to better himself physically.[16]
  • The PC craze has computers going into Sleeper homes by the thousands.[17]
  • Miniaturization and microprocessors become commonplace, giving Virtual Adepts the use of goggles, headsets, full-body suits and bio-hooked electrodes.[18]

Late 1980s[]

  • The Gentleman in Zelly's Eternal Theatre announces "A coming storm will quench the desert of the Yanks' patriotic thirst," predicting Operation Desert Storm.[19]
  • The Sons of Ether realize that the Mad Mook has released thousands of his eyeball trinkets into the public.[20]
  • Members of the Utopian League continue to emigrate to Warsaw Pact states up until this time.[21]
  • The last known picture of the Dark Vengeance twins is taken.[22]


1970s 20th century 1990s