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This Year In
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Real life: 1966

Chronicles of Darkness: 1966

World of Darkness: 1966

Trinity Universe: 1966


  • The Night of Rage: Anarch uprisings shake Chicago, fueled by the resentment of the Civil Rights Movement. The catalyst is the attack of Lodin and his Sheriff against a group of Brujah feared of conspiring against the prince.[1]
  • The autumn issue of Paradigma contains an article regarding the "Promethean Plague" and the true story behind the tales of Doctor Frankenstein.[4]
  • It's discovered that three bases in sequence encode a single amino acid in a protein. The genetic code is broken and determined to be the same in all life.[5]
  • The Virtual Adepts' five-year probationary period with the Traditions comes to an end.[6]
  • Dr. Jermyn Talbot takes a position as tutor in Persian at the University of London.[7]
  • Sandeep D'Souza takes a position as instructor of Sanskrit at the University of Wisconsin (Madison, Wisconsin).[8]
  • Autochthonia grows from a 65,536-sided shape into a shape 10 miles in diameter with 4,294,967,296 sides.[9]
  • Khuvon dis-incarnates, having completed his instruction of the nascent Thal'hun.[10]
  • Nu Ying is a skilled boxer by this time.[11]
  • Howard Hughes comes to Las Vegas, waging a one-man crusade to make a lady of the whore of Babylon. The ensuing bidding war prompts banks and corporations to look seriously at casinos as legitimate businesses.[12]
  • Szymon Pałczyński is born.[13]




1965 20th century