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Real life: 1965

Chronicles of Darkness: 1965

World of Darkness: 1965

Trinity Universe: 1965


  • Dr. Reid's The Progenitors versus the Traditions: An Age-Old Battle is published. It includes a section about the Verbena, and how the Progenitors were once like them.[3]
  • John Eaton Simcoe approaches MacKenzie Brolin, offering him a position as Vice President of Research and Development at DCG Ltd..[4]
  • As racial tensions hit critical mass, three boys are found gutted and hanging on the fence surrounding Napier Court
  • P. Noone's Preaching to the Faithful is published by Laughing Dragon Press.[5]
  • Sandeep D'Souza earns his B.A. in History at Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts).[6]
  • The Euthanatoi elect Indrani Taktsang to the Seat of Entropy on the Council of Nine.[7]
  • Sharad Osei bani Thig is born.[8]
  • Mao Zhedong attempts to regain power in China by starting the Cultural Revolution.[9]
  • The US sends combat troops and bombers to Vietnam to engage the communists.[10]
  • Etherite Professor Bo Buro-su founds the Academy of Advanced Technology & Progressive Science in Osaka, Japan.[11]


  • March 19: Voskhod 2 space shuttle falls into the Ural mountains by accident. Soviet cosmonauts find themselves surrounded by threatening wolves. These wolves are actually Red Talons debating whether or not to kill them. They finally reach the consensus that it would be bad to kill humans attempting to leave the planet, and allow the cosmonauts to be rescued. [12]


  • August 11: A highway patrol stops a group of two black men near Watts, Los Angeles, for reckless and possibly drunk driving. It comes to tensions and the situation spins out of control as other afro american inhabitants of Watts attack the police. The Watts riots follow. The Sabbat uses the chaos of the riot to invade the Free State.[13]
  • August 12: In the second night of the Watts riots, the Sabbat manages to drive the Anarchs into the defensive. The Cardinal supervising the crusade declares an easy victory.[14]
  • August 13: Under the leadership of MacNeil, Attucks and Garcia, the Anarchs mount a counter-attack against the Sabbat invasion of Los Angeles. The battle becomes more intense and violent than any of the Second Revolt.[14]
  • August 17: After four nights of battle, the Cardinal calls of the crusade, knowing that even if the Sabbat would defeat the Anarchs, it could not hold the territory. More than a half of the defending Anarchs have met Final Death. Despite the victory, the Anarchs continue to bicker and fall into gang conflicts.[14]


1964 20th century