White Wolf Wiki
This Year In
Other Timelines

Real life: 1951

Chronicles of Darkness: 1951

World of Darkness: 1951

Trinity Universe: 1951


  • 1911-1951: Tibet has little contact with China or the rest of the world.[1]
  • Gloria Martinez is born.[2]
  • Ed Caldwell is born around this time.[3]
  • Doc Eon (supposedly) dies. Amazing Science Stories ceases publication of his adventures.[4]
  • Dr. Kenneth Aldrich of the New World Order invents Disposable Camouflaged Monitoring Devices, usually dubbed "TrashCams."[5]
  • Syndicate Manager Alfred Trenton is born. He befriends a Sleeper named Carl Tyler at a young age.[6]
  • Of the nine hotels opening between now and 1958, all but one are bankrolled by the mob.[7]
  • The US Government, needing somewhere to test its nuclear weapons, finds the old Las Vegas Aerial Gunnery School and begins using it for testing.[7]
  • The Baptist Spiritual Soldiers discover and attempt to burn Dr. Karl Heinrich Ulrichs' Uranian Pleasure Manual. They fail.[8]
  • Archaeologists discover the ruins of the pyramid of Sekhemkhet near the pyramids in Giza.[9]
  • Sarah is Embraced by the Toreador Thomasina Payne.[10]


1950 20th century