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Chronicles of Darkness: 1900

World of Darkness: 1900

Trinity Universe: 1900


  • 1850-1900: Growing interest in the occult and spiritualism, combined with the rise of the Theosophist movement, results in a weakening of the scientific paradigm and an increase in the number of recruits for the Traditions.[1]
  • The Boxer Rebellions in China.[8][9] The Wu Lung and Akashic Brotherhood cease fighting outright, as both sides support the Rebellion as a last-ditch effort to drive the Technocracy out of China.[10]
  • The Jade Demon, a Nephandi, falls in love.[8]
  • The Akashic Brotherhood initiates very few non-Asian mages before this year.[11]
  • Lord Edmund releases what becomes the most famous English translation of Kitab al Alacir, the Book of Ether.[12]
  • Professor Vargo displays his Conversion Engine to the world in the Palace of Electricity at the Paris Expedition this year.[13][14] Frustrated with the lack of interest (and the interest in the weapons of war featured), Vargo makes a speech decrying weapons of war, then takes his Engine and vanishes from public view.[15][16][17]
  • The works of Gregor Mendel are rediscovered.[18] The scientific roots of the Mutagenic Engineers are founded.[19]
  • The Technocracy's Great Symposium this year disproves the concept of ether.[20] The Electrodyne Engineers begin to desert.[21][22]
  • Queen Victoria's Grand Council of World Government has evolved into the Technocratic Union by this year.[23]
  • By this year, John Eaton Simcoe controls a network of banks and entertainment houses from San Diego to the Alaskan border.[24]
  • By this year, most Triads have put aside their political ambitions and are nothing more than organized crime groups.[25]
  • Former Craftmasons and members of the Invisible Exchequer unite to form the Syndicate.[1]
  • By this year, the Five Metal Dragons have paved the way for the Western Technocracy to subvert Heaven's law itself.[26]
  • Although they bring a much-needed infusion of America's pioneer spirit to the Order, and opened it to a new continent, the rest of the Order never took it seriously. By this time, Luxor has little to do with the rest of the Order.[27]
  • Victoria Station is secured in Lunar orbit this year.[28]

Vampire: The Masquerade[]


1899 1900s