White Wolf Wiki
This Year In
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Chronicles of Darkness: 1899

World of Darkness: 1899

Trinity Universe: 1899


  • 1899 - 1901: The Chinese Boxer Rebellion. The Akashayana train mortals in martial arts and anti-European beliefs in order to reject Western domination of China. Their 1000,000-strong forces earn several early victories, but are ultimately defeated by the modern weaponry of 20,000 Western troops.[1]
  • Cameron publishes Progenitors and Modern Culture.[2]
  • Angelo Ciatino, future Nephandi, is born.[3]
  • "Jacob" appears to the Arcanum once again, meeting with the Executive Committee, and then privately with Benjamin Holmscroft and Winthrop Murray. Jacob appears no older than before.[4]
  • The head of the US Patent Office resigns, believing that everything worth inventing has already been invented.[5]
  • Self-professed medium and spiritualist Anna Sheldrake dies.[6]
  • Nikola Tesla works in his workshop in Colorado Springs. Yves Mercure and Ernesto C. Amanguale, slightly askew in time, are able to witness him.[7]


  • May 15: James "Wirehead" Peritone sends a message to the other Conventions, announcing that the Difference Engineers have successfully created an electrical computer and have duplicated it to all their members across the continent. It uses a system of balsa wood punch cards for input, and a specially designed telegraph for output.[8]


1898 19th century