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Chronicles of Darkness: 1875

World of Darkness: 1875

Trinity Universe: 1875


  • The Uktena barely prevent the Storm Eater from releasing a second great Wyrm-creature like itself.[3]
  • Hezekiah Blake, later a great Gurahl hero, returns to Tall Timbers, Wyoming to find that it has been raided by the Vinton Gang. Only one inhabitant managed to survive long enough to tell him what happened, a 12-year-old boy named Aaron, though he died shortly after. Then the age of 13, he buried every individual in the village, and finally his rage exploded in his First Change. Ten days later his Buri-Jaan, Leaping Bear, arrives to teach him the ways of his people.[4]
  • Paschal Beverly Randolph, founder of the Brotherhood of Eulis, dies.[1]
  • Aleister Crowley is born.[1][5]
  • The Theosophy, a Western tradition which exploits Hindu beliefs, is founded by H. P. Blavatsky and James Olcott.[6]


1874 1800s