White Wolf Wiki
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Other Timelines

Chronicles of Darkness: 1780s

World of Darkness: 1780s

Trinity Universe: 1780s


  • Steam engines develop, marking the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.[1] Czars and Garou kinfolk are able to prevent this in Russia.[2] The Nagah, though horrified by the Industrial Revolution, are strictly forbidden by the Sesha to directly interfere, although they are now allowed to fight the Wyrm if the opportunity presents itself. [3]
  • Alessandro Cagliostro and his wife Lorenza are imprisoned by the church.[4]
  • Humans begin harnessing electricity. Electricity elementals appear.[5]
  • Many Red Talons leave Europe due to threats to the existence of their packs and head to the United States. [6]

1782 CE[]


1770s 18th century 1790s