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Chronicles of Darkness: 1130

World of Darkness: 1130


  • The 1268th Year of Aries: A Grand Tribunal is held.[1]
  • The Knights Templar number at more than 300, and continue to grow.[2][3]
  • Brother Everard de Gascony of the Order of St. Theodosius, in the Pyrenees, discovers a piece of stone covered in carvings at an abandoned Spring Court holding near his abbey. He brings it back and manages to translate it, speaking aloud the name of an old fae lord (and thus breaking a Gold Oath). The effect is that of an Unleashing gone out of control, and the abbey is destroyed.[4]
  • The fae understandably become concerned... if humans can translate their language, what next? Could they wield Dominions or forge their own oaths with the fae? Could they invade fae realms and steal faerie children?[1] In a panic, the Four Courts assemble and compose the Oath-Truce, affecting all faerie-kind. This calls a halt to the War of Seasons so they can closer examine humanity. The Oath-Truce is set to expire in one hundred years.[5][6][4][7]
  • Gratiano de Veronese is Embraced by the Lasombra Antediluvian.
  • Church outside the Scottish village of Damburrow vanishes.[8]


1129 1100s