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Chronicles of Darkness: 1100s

World of Darkness: 1100s


1100 CE[]

Main article: 1100 (WOD)

1101 CE[]

  • A coven of necromancers allied with the Seljuks learns of the location of the Gatherers and their collection of holy relics. With several hired Assamite assassins, they assault the keep that guards it in Jordan. The Gatherers manage to save several relics, among them the Grail, but are driven from Jordan.[1]
  • Aristotle de Laurent is born.[citation needed]
  • Varsik moves to Jerusalem.[2]

1103 CE[]

1104 CE[]

  • An eccentric mage, long sequestered in the Swiss Alps, brings a Latin translation of the Greater Ritual of Summoning when he joins the Order of Hermes.[3]

1105 CE[]

1107 CE[]


1090s 1100s 1110s